Loom Knitting Class and Gathering
Those with no loom knitting experience along with experienced loom knitters are invited to gather on the dates noted below for an easy-to-learn hat knitting class and connect with others from St. Andrew. Beginner knitters will be provided the loom, tools, yarn, and instructions to knit a hat that will be donated to charity. Beginners will complete the brim of a hat, and will knit the balance of the hat on their own at home. At the next gathering you will remove the hat from the…

Dinner for Eight
Get connected and find beloved community with others in your church family. Gather monthly for four months, February-May, in groups of eight to enjoy a casual, relaxed meal together. The focus is on forming and caring for new relationships and inviting God to be a part of it. One of the many ways to help make this big church feel smaller. All are welcome to participate. Sign up as an individual or a couple. Registration Deadline: Monday, February 10. Contact:…

Annual Congregational Meeting
Annual Congregational Meeting & Vote to Call a New Associate Pastor We have so much to celebrate this year. This meeting will be in person in the sanctuary and available virtually. All voting members of St. Andrew are invited to attend. We will elect Congregational Council members, hear 2024 reports, approve the 2025 budget, and take a vote on the new associate pastor.
Wine and Fellowship
This event is for 21+ Join St. Andrew friends for an evening of tasting wines from around the world. Wine aficionados Dave Allen and Pastor Matthew Fleming will lead this group by sampling a wide variety of domestic and international wines and facilitating conversation and collegiality for all. Non-alcoholic offerings are always present for any who refrain from alcohol. Participants are invited to bring an appetizer or salad to share. Cost: $10 per person. Cost: $10 per person Contacts: Pastor Matthew Fleming

Red Cross Blood Drive
We are proud to again partner with the American Red Cross for our next blood drive on Tuesday, January 14 from 1:00-7:00 PM. Each pint of blood collected can help save up to three lives and will touch the lives of so many more. What a great way to pay it forward and make an impact on people in our community and across the country. Book your appointment, roll up your sleeve, and come be a part of the lifesaving…

Southwest Grief Coalition
Days/Times: Winter session, Mondays, Jan. 13–Feb. 17, 2025, 6:00 PM Description: Losing someone we love is one of life’s most challenging passages. The churches of the Southwest Grief Coalition have bound together to provide support and education for those who would like to learn about the process of grief in a caring, supportive, and confidential setting, learning about how your grief leads to personal growth and healing. See the website (www.swgriefcoalition.org) for up-to-date information and registration details Host: Family of…

St. Andrew Book Group
Second Monday of the month at 1:00 and 7:00 PM , September–May Book Group meetings are held in Room 207 at St. Andrew. Participants are welcome on a regular or drop-in basis. Please join us for a lively discussion and small group fellowship. Contacts: Afternoon session: Cori Eichelberger irocknits@gmail.com or 804-937-4853 Evening session: Jody Collis King jcollisking@msn.com

High School Leadership FMSC Event
The St. Andrew High School Leadership Team will host a Feed My Starving Children event for this month’s movement. Sign up at the link! ALL are welcome.

College Meet-up
With College students back for a long break, this is an opportunity to check in and have a devotional together. We will play games, eat snacks, and talk about our own faith experiences. Take this opportunity to Engage with your faith in a new or familiar place! We will do two onJanuary 7th and January 23rd! Contact: Caleb Wragge
Christmas Day Worship
Special music from soloists Josh Eidem and Tim Graf along with violinist Rachel Calvert. Join us and make worship a part of your Christmas Day celebrations!
Acoustic Christmas
Join us for a service of favorite carols arranged for flute, cello, guitar, and piano, and special music featuring Elliana Meier.
Festival Christmas
These festive services feature music by our Canticle Choir, Brass Ensemble, and a guest string quartet along with soloists Elliana Meier and Tim Graf.