
Service Ministry

St. Andrew Lutheran Church desires for its member and visitors to live out their faith in daily life. One of the ways this is demonstrated is through St. Andrew’s service and outreach ministry. Partnership with organizations like People Reaching Other People (PROP), Lutheran Social Service’s Center for Changing Lives, and Seeds of Support Missions are three large scale partnerships of the congregation. Other vital service ministries outside of the congregation on smaller scales show how St. Andrew is working in the community and world.

You are invited to find your place in Christian service at St. Andrew to make a difference in the lives of our neighbors.

Seeds of Support Missions (Haiti and Belize)

Seeds of Support Mission: Belize (March 16-23, 2024) St. Andrew’s Seeds of Support Mission offered an international mission trip opportunity to the Central American country of Belize from March 16-23, 2024. Welcome! Fill your EP Spring Break with rich experiences and meaning. Closely patterned after Seeds of Support Mission’s popular Haiti mission trips, our second Belize mission trip builds upon the success of the first Belize mission trip in August of 2023. It introduced participants to a whole new set…


People Reaching Other People (PROP) of Eden Prairie St. Andrew Lutheran Church partners with People Reaching Other People (PROP) as a local mission partner for the SW suburbs. In addition to many St. Andrew community members volunteering at PROP, St. Andrew conducts quarterly food drives, school backpack collections, winter coats and mittens, and other support for PROP throughout the year. PROP’s mission is to compassionately provide food and comprehensive support to our neighbors in need that creates a path towards…

Center for Changing Lives

Lutheran Social Service’s Center for Changing Lives St. Andrew’s partnership with the Center for Changing Lives (2400 Park Avenue in Minneapolis) has existed for many productive years of Christian service for the City of Minneapolis. Messiah Food Baskets Age Range: All ages—families welcomed and encouraged Days/Times: Saturday morning before Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Description: Collate and distribute food bags containing the holiday meal ingredients at Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church at the Center for Changing Lives Contact: Kathy Olson

Worship & Hospitality Volunteers

Great Hospitality is an Important Part of St. Andrew It all starts with a smiling face and telling people “we’re glad you’re here!” Feeling welcome from the moment anyone walks through the door is essential.  Below are ways in which we are inviting you to be a part of our hospitality ministry. Hospitality Volunteers Age Range: Adults and Confirmation Age Youth Days/Times: Sunday Mornings after 9:00 AM & 10:30 AM Service Description: If you have participated in Sunday morning fellowship and enjoyed one of…

Property & Administration Support

Fix-it Team Age Range: Adults Days/Times: 1st Monday monthly at 9:00 AM in the Narthex. Description: Provide a welcoming space for users of our building by joining a small group of people for fellowship, coffee and small scale building maintenance projects. Projects include repairing toys in our Childcare or Preschool rooms, assembling small pieces of furniture or equipment. Indoor/Outdoor Maintenance Team Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Prime time for these projects is in the spring and fall, but there are always on-going projects available. Let us…

Congregation & Community Care

Habitat for Humanity Age Range: 17 years old through adult Description: Work side by side with fellow St. Andrew members constructing a Habitat for Humanity home. Light construction work is expected and training is provided. Habitat projects are great team building experiences and provide deep levels of fulfilment. Volunteers needed for full days, not partial days. Contact: Pastor Peter Johnson Meals on Wheels Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Lunch time (11:00 AM–12:30 PM) one Tuesday each month. Six volunteer are needed (five drivers and one backup…