Christmas at St. Andrew

Join us as we celebrate the season of Christmas through a series of scripture readings, beloved carols, devotional reflections, Holy Communion, and beautiful choral music sung by a chamber choir.

Catch the Vision

As we embrace St. Andrew’s new vision for ministry—Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith—we hope that more and more people will Catch the Vision for life in Christ and our hope for today and tomorrow. You are an essential part of this movement.

Rooted & Grounded (In Love)

Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem

Earlier this summer, Pastor Peter brought our staff together to develop a new vision statement for St. Andrew: “Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith.” Now, even as we lean into this vision statement, we can also recognize and celebrate the fact that our church has been about the business of nurturing the future of faith for a long time. As part of sharing this story, we’re going to hear from two people who have become unofficial “artists…

Nurturing the Future of Faith: A Message From a CYF Volunteer

I have been blessed to serve in children and youth (CYF) ministry in many wonderful capacities: Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation small group leader, mission trip mom, and Los Ninos. Each opportunity has spiritually enriched me through the people who lead our programs and the relationships that have developed with our youth of all ages. My journey working with our St. Andrew youth (each a beautiful child of God) has filled my heart with such joy. After my son started Sunday…

Upcoming Events

Cheer Me On!

Age Range: Children of all Ages Description: Sign up to have Ms. Shawna or Ms. Arlene come cheer you on at an upcoming game, concert, recital, or other special event! Fill out the form on our website, and maybe we will see you at an event this fall! So many of our kids are doing amazing things, and we want to cheer you on! Contact: Shawna Berg

Christmas Poinsettia Orders

Order Christmas Poinsettias to decorate the sanctuary. Flowers are for sale now through December 10, $20 per flower. Orders can be placed online or at the front desk. Flowers can be taken home after the Christmas Day service and throughout the following week.

Parents Night Out

Age Range: Up to 5th Grade Days/Times: First Friday of the month, beginning November 1, 5:00–8:00 PM Description: Sign up for Parent’s Night Out! Our CYF Staff and Spirit in the Pines Counselors will partner together to provide a fun evening for your children, so you can enjoy an evening out! We will provide crafts, a pizza dinner, recreation time, and a snack each night. Cost is $20 for one child and $10 additional dollars for every additional child. Pre-registration…

Camp Registration Opens

Description: The camp calendar, fees and other Summer 2025 information will be posted by November 1st on the camp webpage Registrations are accepted all summer long providing space is still available. Scholarship requests are available for all of our camp and retreat programs. Contact: Sarah Blasing

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”

Ephesians 2:8

Location Details

13600 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344