Children's Ministry

Cheer Me On!

Age Range: Children of all Ages Description: Sign up to have Ms. Shawna or Ms. Arlene come cheer you on at an upcoming game, concert, recital, or other special event! Fill out the form on our website, and maybe we will see you at an event this fall! So many of our kids are doing amazing things, and we want to cheer you on! Contact: Shawna Berg


Age Range: K–5th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays 5:30–6:00 PM, September–May Description: On Wednesday nights we build community by making friends, having fun, and sharing our joy together. We will play games, do crafts, and learn more about the Bible and each other! Registration is on the way! You can also register at the event! Contact: Shawna Berg

Sunday School

Age Range: 3 years old–5th Grade Days/Times: Sunday mornings 9:00 and 10:30 AM, September–May Description: During Sunday School, our kids will learn more about the Bible and will learn to live out their faith in their daily life as they build relationships God, each other, and other caring adults. At 9:00 AM we will offer a traditional model, with large and small group time and at 10:30 AM our kids will begin in worship with families, and then will be…

3-Year-Old Bible Milestone

Age Range: 3-year-olds and a caring adult Days/Times: October 9, 5:30-6:00 PM (Bibles presented on October 27th during worship) Description: Join us on October 9th to receive a special Bible from St. Andrew! Learn tips on reading Bible stories together as family. Then come back for a special blessing and presentation of the Bibles in worship on October 27th. REGISTRATION TO COME Contact: Shawna Berg

Worship Young

Days/Times: 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:00 & 10:30 AM Description: This is an opportunity for children to be engaged in the worship service in leadership roles through reading, assisting with ushering or offering, and sharing in special music. There will be a children’s sermon and families will serve communion together! Contact: Shawna Berg

3rd Grade Bible Milestone

Age Range: 3rd Grade students and a caring adult Days/Times: October 23, 5:30–6:00 PM (Bibles presented on October 27th during worship) Description: Join us on October 23rd to receive your first big kids Bible! Take some time to learn some things about your new Bible, including how to look up verses, and how to find stories that you are looking for. Come back on October 27th for a presentation and blessing of your Bible in worship. REGISTRATION TO COME Contact:…

Bible Milestone Celebration

Age Range: Pre-K–1st Grade & 3rd–4th Grade Description: Pre-K–1st grade students are invited to receive their first Bible. 3rd and 4th graders are invited to receive their second Bible. Children and their families will celebrate this milestone with a special blessing in worship.

Go Wild!

Age Range: All ages Days/Times: November 3, 5:00 PM Description: Join other St. Andrew families as the Minnesota Wild take on the Toronto Maple Leafs! Tickets are $49 and are first come first serve for the first 45 people who sign up! Signups go live on September 8th! We will meet at Xcel Energy Center. Contact: Shawna Berg

Serve and Play Release Day

Age Range: Kindergarten-5th Grade Days/Times: November 8, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM Description: Join us on November 8th when Eden Prairie and Minnetonka have no school for a Serve and Play Release Day. (If you have school that day—don’t dismay we have several more planned after Christmas!) We will play games, have a bible study, do a service project, and then have a fun field trip in the afternoon. The cost is $50 and includes admission, transportation, snacks, and lunch. Registration will…

First Communion Class

Age Range: Elementary-age Children Days/Times: March 9, 12:00–1:30 PM Description: For Elementary students looking for First Communion instruction. Join us to learn more about what this sacrament means, and how to receive it. Come if you have never taken communion and would like to begin, or even if you have been taking it, but haven’t had instruction yet. REGISTRATION TO COME Contact: Shawna Berg