Events Calendar

Events Calendar

July 2025

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Be Still and Know…Beginning Yoga & Devotion

Most Thursdays at 9:30 AM through May either in person(St. Andrew, Room 206) or on Zoom. Contact Carole to be placed on the email list to receive updates on dates and locations. This is an open group and welcomes new participants each week. Each session opens with scripture and closes with a devotion and prayer. No previous yoga experience necessary. Participants wear yoga type stretchy pants with a semi-fitted top that allows for movement and bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Classes are taught by…

Parent’s Night Out

Age Range: Up to 5th Grade Days/Times: First Friday of the month, 5:00–8:00 PM (November – May). Description: Sign up for Parent’s Night Out! Our CYF Staff and Spirit in the Pines Counselors will partner together to provide a fun evening for your children, so you can enjoy an evening out! We will provide crafts, a pizza dinner, recreation time, and a snack each night. Cost is $20 for one child and $10 additional dollars for every additional child. Pre-registration…

Sat. AM Men’s Bible Study

Age Range: Adult men 40+ Days/Times: 9:00–11:00 AM each Saturday, new members welcome Description: The Saturday mornings men’s group is a lighthearted bunch from several churches in the Southwest Metro that enjoys Christian fellowship and learning. We have a particular liking to Andy Stanley and other contemporary Christian preachers. We use videos and Bible studies as conversation starters on living a Christian man’s life in today’s world. Join us anytime, you don’t need to wait until we start a new…


Age Range: 10 years old–adult  Time/Date: Saturdays from 9:00–10:30 (beginners) & 10:30 AM–12:00 PM (advanced beginners-intermediate). October–May  Description: Come join the fun! Like tennis, learn to play this growing-in-popularity sport. Curt, Tom, and Bob have years of experience in the sport. In this introductory session (or those with basic experience and want to tune your game), you will be taught the basics and get some hands-on practice. We have set up two pickleball courts in the gym at St. Andrew.  What do you…


Worship Times & Format Sunday 9:00 AM | Traditional  Familiar hymns and liturgy bring a sense of tradition at this service. Our 9:00 AM service music uses a spirited approach with a wide variety of hymns, liturgical music, and anthems that often draw from many musical styles: classical, spirituals, gospel, jazz, and both historic and contemporary hymnody.   At the 9:00 AM service, communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of the month. Sunday 10:30 AM | Contemporary We are…

High School Bible Study

Want to explore the Sunday scriptures closer? This Bible study will allow you to learn more about the bible and how you can apply what you hear at church on Sundays. This small group will focus on how the Bible can apply more in your life. Every Sunday at 10 AM, see you there! Contact: Caleb Wragge

Parents Vs Goliath: Parents of Teens & Young Adults

Age Range: Parents of middle schoolers, high schoolers and young adults. Days/Times: 2nd Sunday of each month, 10:15-11:15 AM Description: In the story of David and Goliath, David was in a fight against Goliath, a giant man feared by many. David trusted in his own abilities to overcome this giant of a person. In our Group we are here to overcome the “Giants” of raising a teen. Whether it is connecting with your child, navigating social media, or just talking with…

Bible Study and Board Games 

Days/Times: Sundays 7:00–8:30 PM, starting September 22  Description: Learn about different stories and parables of the Bible with other young adults. We also enjoy fellowship and play board games together to combat the anxiety of a new work week. Contact: Caleb Wragge

Job Transition Support

Age Range: 18 or older Are you in one of the following situations: Just starting to look for your first job or been out of the work environment for awhile? Are your current search efforts not working out the way you hoped? Not pleased with your current job and not sure how to start a search process? One of our members, Rich Gruenhagen, is available to help provide direction and support. This includes how to find jobs that are not…

River Valley Alcoholics Anonymous Group

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial and apolitical. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Welcome to all who are in need. Contact: Pastor Peter Johnson

Basketball (16+)

Age Range: 16+  Time/Date: Tuesdays 6:00–7:15 PM  Description: Join members and friends of St. Andrew for a friendly game of basketball and fellowship in the St. Andrew gym. Men and women are welcome. It is a great way to stay in shape, meet some new people, and bond over a shared interest in the sport. If interested, sign up on church website or contact Mark Domyahn so that he can be in touch with you.   Contact: Mark Domyahn

Untapping Faith

Location: TBD  Date/Time: Description: Meet up with other young adults on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at a local brewery. We share conversation around the intersections of faith and our daily lives. N/A options are always available.   Contact: Caleb Wragge

St. Andrew High School Leadership Team

Age Range: 9th–12th Grade Days/Times: Varies, contact group leaders for more information. Description: Each month, this team chooses and plans a different way to help the community. This can include fundraising for causes, service projects, or other types of giving back to the community. They also Podcast about their experiences and discuss other faith-related topics. Contact: Caleb Wragge or Shawna Berg

Band of Brothers

Age Range: Mixed men Days/Times: Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 AM  Description: Join fellow Christian men each week to examine how faith affects our daily life and relationships. Participate weekly, when you can. Contact: Don Mussell

Early Risers Bible Study

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays 8:00–9:00 AM in Room 207 Description: Come for a lively discussion led by one of our Pastor’s as we dive into the Word of God using books written by a variety of authors. Beginning Wednesday, January 8 at 8:00 AM we will discuss “The Gospel of John” by Amy-Jill Levine. John’s Gospel offers readers a new language―of being born anew, of living water, of wind and spirit, of the “I am”―that enhances how we understand…

Wednesday Night Dinners

Description: Newcomers, friends, and family are invited to our Wednesday Night Dinners. Make dinner easy and join us for a home-cooked meal as you come for fellowship, education, music practice, or just to visit. All are welcome. No reservations needed.   Beginning September 18th throughout the Wednesday night program year, we offer a main course, fruit and salad, and dessert.  Meals include a main course, fruit, salad and dessert.  Cash, checks, credit cards, and Apple Pay accepted. In our salad bar you…

Peace Ringers

Age Range: *6th–12th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays from 5:45–6:25 PM, September–May Description: In Peace Ringers, we’ll focus on learning and refining our handbell technique and musicianship while having a great time together! We play in worship several times throughout the year, and we may do one performance out in the community through the year. No experience is necessary, everyone is welcome! Rehearsals start September 18th. *6th graders can choose to participate in either Ring of Fire or Peace Ringers. The confirmation…

Starlight Singers

Age Range: 3-year-olds–kindergarten Days/Times: Wednesdays from 6:00–6:30 PM, September–May Description: Starlight Singers welcomes the youngest children with a variety of activities. Children sing, dance, make music, and learn of Jesus’ love for them. Participate in worship approximately once per month, as well as additional Wiggle & Worship services. Parents are always invited to attend.  Contact: Hannah Fleming

Sonshine Singers

Age Range: 1st–5th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays from 6:00–6:30 PM, September–May Description: Sonshine Singers is an exciting and energetic children’s choir. Singers learn age-appropriate choral singing basics in a nurturing and fun environment. Kids will make new friends and have a blast with Jill Boyd. The choir sings during worship approximately once a month.  Contact: Jill Boyd

Queer Faith Alliance 

Age Range: Teenagers and adults Days/Times: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, September-May Description: Queer Faith Alliance is a small group learning together about how we as individuals, families, and the church can be fully welcoming and inclusive to the LBGTQ+ community. It is the responsibility of the Church to affirm all people and celebrate orientations and gender expressions that have often been targeted. When we work in community to feel God’s all-embracing love, we are stronger for…

Spirit Singers

All choirs run September – May. Age Range: 6th–12th grade Days/Times: Wednesdays from 6:30–7:00 PM, September–May Description: The Spirit Singers sing approximately once a month in worship and for special services like Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve. Spirit Singers is a great place to sing with friends, serve God, and to make music with a top-notch director. Occasionally, they combine with the Canticle Choir, Sonshine Singers, and Starlight Singers.  Contact: Sarah Gilbertson

Bells of Joy

Age Range: Adult Days/Times: Weds. from 6:30–7:25 PM, September–May Description: This 5-octave handbell choir for adults meets weekly to rehearse and plays in worship about once a month. Bells of Joy is a small group opportunity for those who enjoy praising God through music. Ringing experience is helpful in this advanced bell choir. *Dates and times may be subject to change. Keep in touch with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Tim Graf

Wednesday Night Youth Group (WNYG)

Age Range: 9th–12th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM Description: Connect with other high school students from around the southwest metro at Wednesday Night Youth Group and monthly special events. On Wednesday nights the first couple of hours are dedicated to relaxing, do homework and eat snacks. Then we play awesome games, do meaningful service projects, and most importantly connect with God by learning about our Faith. Invite your friends because all are welcome to come for WNYG or special events.…

Canticle Choir

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays from 7:30–8:45 PM, September–May Description: The Canticle Choir singers lead the congregation at two 9:00 AM Sunday services a month by singing the liturgy, special hymn arrangements, anthems, calls to worship, and the occasional major choral/orchestral compositions. *Dates are subject to change. Please keep in contact with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Larry Bach

Moms of Littles

Days/Times: Second Thursday of the month (October – May). Description: This is a group for moms of young children that meets monthly for support, encouragement and fellowship. This group will also host periodic activities for their families and children. Contact: Shawna Berg

St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club 

Age Range: Open to everyone: men, women, and children  Days/Times: 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9:00 AM. Meet in the St. Andrew Fellowship Hall unless announced otherwise.  Description: St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club is meant to merge together interest in refurbished old cars and the faith we share. Join classic car enthusiast David Lerseth (a retired ELCA pastor) for monthly gatherings at St. Andrew to share about your car, the old dream car, the car you wish you…

Monday Evening Men’s Group

Age Range: Adult men (husbands/fathers) Days/Times: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, 6:00–7:30 PM, September–May Description: With so many places to go and things to do, it is often hard to take time for yourself. We want to gather men together to share experiences and wisdom about life and being a good dad, husband, and Christian. The group uses various faith-based resources to stimulate conversation and learning. We provide men with networking and relationship-building opportunities, giving one another a…

Patio Crawl

Ages: Adults Days/Times: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 6:30 PM Description: Looking for an easy way to connect with others from St. Andrew in a friendly and relaxed setting? In order for us to grow in our friendships and Christian faith, we are encouraged to engage with others from our church community. Join St. Andrew staff and other members and friends for casual conversation and easy discussion topics. No preparation is needed. Come as you are. Contact: Pastor Matthew Fleming

Suicide Bereavement Support Group

Every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday. Age Range: 18 or older Location: St. Andrew Chapel Description: This support group aims to provide a safe, accepting and non-judgmental place for people struggling with the challenge of suicide loss. Leadership of this support group have experienced personal loss of their own and have received specialized training. Contact: Tammy Sperr and Cheryl Harjes

Suicide Bereavement Support Group

Every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday. Age Range: 18 or older Location: St. Andrew Chapel Description: This support group aims to provide a safe, accepting and non-judgmental place for people struggling with the challenge of suicide loss. Leadership of this support group have experienced personal loss of their own and have received specialized training. Contact: Tammy Sperr and Cheryl Harjes

A More Just World—Social Justice Group

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: First Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 PM Description: When it comes to matters of race in our community, St. Andrew is dedicated to helping create a more just world for all people through listening, learning, growing, and acting differently. Monthly meetings provide fellowship for people wanting to dedicate themselves to this process on an ongoing basis. Join us for conversation and learning opportunities. We discuss race and healing through the use of readings, videos and…

3rd Saturday Women’s Bible Study 

Age Range: Adult women  Days/Times: 3rd Saturday of the month (excluding November– March), 8:30–10:00 AM Description: Join us to discuss the scripture for that Sunday’s worship. We welcome women of all ages and stages of life to participate. No advance preparation is needed; just bring your Bible!  Contact: Jeri Glander