Mixed Groups
Be Still and Know…Beginning Yoga & Devotion
Most Thursdays at 9:30 AM through May either in person(St. Andrew, Room 206) or on Zoom. Contact Carole to be placed on the email list to receive updates on dates and locations. This is an open group and welcomes new participants each week. Each session opens with scripture and closes with a devotion and prayer. No previous yoga experience necessary. Participants wear yoga type stretchy pants with a semi-fitted top that allows for movement and bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Classes are taught by…
St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club
Age Range: Open to everyone: men, women, and children Days/Times: 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9:00 AM. Meet in the St. Andrew Fellowship Hall unless announced otherwise. Description: St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club is meant to merge together interest in refurbished old cars and the faith we share. Join classic car enthusiast David Lerseth (a retired ELCA pastor) for monthly gatherings at St. Andrew to share about your car, the old dream car, the car you wish you…
Age Range: 10 years old–adult Time/Date: Saturdays from 9:00–10:30 (beginners) & 10:30 AM–12:00 PM (advanced beginners-intermediate). October–May Description: Come join the fun! Like tennis, learn to play this growing-in-popularity sport. Curt, Tom, and Bob have years of experience in the sport. In this introductory session (or those with basic experience and want to tune your game), you will be taught the basics and get some hands-on practice. We have set up two pickleball courts in the gym at St. Andrew. What do you…
Basketball (16+)
Age Range: 16+ Time/Date: Tuesdays 6:00–7:15 PM Description: Join members and friends of St. Andrew for a friendly game of basketball and fellowship in the St. Andrew gym. Men and women are welcome. It is a great way to stay in shape, meet some new people, and bond over a shared interest in the sport. If interested, sign up on church website or contact Mark Domyahn so that he can be in touch with you. Contact: Mark Domyahn
Patio Crawl
Ages: Adults Days/Times: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 6:30 PM Description: Looking for an easy way to connect with others from St. Andrew in a friendly and relaxed setting? In order for us to grow in our friendships and Christian faith, we are encouraged to engage with others from our church community. Join St. Andrew staff and other members and friends for casual conversation and easy discussion topics. No preparation is needed. Come as you are. Contact: Pastor Matthew Fleming

Untapping Faith
Location: TBD Date/Time: Description: Meet up with other young adults on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at a local brewery. We share conversation around the intersections of faith and our daily lives. N/A options are always available. Contact: Caleb Wragge