Worship Services from 2023 (Page 7)

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Before I Go”

Text: John 17:1-19 When people are facing death, they speak of the things that matter the most to them.  It was no different for Jesus, who prayed for us: for our unity and for our protection.  We are all under the care of one who continues to look out for us, even when he is no longer in this world.

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “The Good Shepherd”

Text: John 10:11-19 We heard during Lent of the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go after the one who is lost but this text is even more radical: the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep!  In these days when we are surrounded by so much tragedy and sorrows, we need to hear the comforting voice of the Shepherd who has so much to say to us!

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “The Good Shepherd”

Text: John 10:11-19 We heard during Lent of the shepherd who leaves the ninety-nine sheep to go after the one who is lost but this text is even more radical: the good shepherd lays down his life for his sheep!  In these days when we are surrounded by so much tragedy and sorrows, we need to hear the comforting voice of the Shepherd who has so much to say to us!

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Show and Tell”

Text: John 20:19-31 The risen Jesus appeared to his disciples who were hiding behind locked doors in fear.  As we face those fears in our lives that hold us captive, Jesus comes to us as well with nail-scarred hands that bring hope and peace into our lives.  How will we show and tell of the One who makes such a difference in our lives?

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Show and Tell”

Text: John 20:19-31 The risen Jesus appeared to his disciples who were hiding behind locked doors in fear.  As we face those fears in our lives that hold us captive, Jesus comes to us as well with nail-scarred hands that bring hope and peace into our lives.  How will we show and tell of the One who makes such a difference in our lives?

Worship | Wiggle & Worship Easter (10:30 AM)

Wiggle and Worship, a family favorite for several years now at St. Andrew, will bring a joyful and energetic offering for families and children. We hope you will join us for one of these joyful celebrations of our Lord’s Resurrection!

Worship | Easter (11:00 AM) “Rescue Story”

Mark 16:1-8 Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed!  On Easter morning, Christians around the world gather to celebrate the most significant event in the life of the church. The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive!  Easter changes everything.  The day centers around the message: the resurrection promise that joy, hope, and faith will ultimately prevail. Because of Easter, we believe that life is stronger than death, that love is greater than hate, that mercy overcomes judgement, and that the sufferings and difficulties…

Worship | Easter (10:00 AM) “Rescue Story”

Mark 16:1-8 Christ is risen!  He is risen, indeed!  On Easter morning, Christians around the world gather to celebrate the most significant event in the life of the church. The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive!  Easter changes everything.  The day centers around the message: the resurrection promise that joy, hope, and faith will ultimately prevail. Because of Easter, we believe that life is stronger than death, that love is greater than hate, that mercy overcomes judgement, and that the sufferings and difficulties…

Worship | Good Friday (7:00 PM) “The Seven Last Words”

“The Seven Last Words”- where the story is primarily told through music as the Canticle Choir and a professional orchestra perform the choral masterwork “The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross” by Cesar Franck.  Our pastors provide context through devotional reflections and we experience the holding of the cross as a worshipping community together.  Bring a friend and join us for this powerful service of music and reflection.

Worship | Palm Sunday (6:30 PM) “Thursday Night Dinner”

Jesus brings us together to become one body, united through the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. On Maundy Thursday (“commandment” Thursday), we remember the new commandment that Jesus gives us to love one another, and we celebrate Holy Communion along with our children who receive their First Communion. The “Rescue Story” of our salvation through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross begins here. Join us for Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter worship as we experience together the Passion…

Worship | Palm Sunday (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Save Us”

Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians around the world.  As our Sunday School children join us in worship with palm branches and shouts of “hosanna,” we hear together the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem, and we see how events will turn that lead Jesus toward the cross of Calvary- for us and for our salvation.  Christians today still need to raise our voices in singing hosanna– “Lord, save us!”