Lenten Wednesday Nights: Community Night of Food, Fellowship, Worship, and Learning
St. Andrew is experiencing a new, growing, and active ministry on Wednesday evenings. A wonderful homemade meal is lovingly prepared and served in the Fellowship Hall. Families are taking a break from the busy week for food and fellowship together with others. Early Learning families are picking up their kids and coming straight to supper. Choir and bell groups are gathering to eat together. Confirmation students are eating together, and small groups take advantage of the fellowship prior to learning sessions. Are you open to a new chapter for your Wednesday night? Consider joining us for the five weeks of Lent.
Worship (6:30–6:55PM)—Relevant Worship for All Ages
Join us for worship each Wednesday of Lent. Plan on family-friendly worship with songs, readings, simple interactive reflections, and prayers – all designed for all ages.
Our sermon series topic is ‘Why?’. From an early age, children ask the question ‘why’. They are curious and learning. As parents and into adulthood, these ‘why’ questions get more complex. ‘Why’ is an important faith question, too. Job asked God about suffering and loss. Many psalms express deep emotions and questions about God and God’s ways. Even the disciples asked ‘why’ as Jesus was leading the community on a new way. Let’s explore these ‘why’ questions together as families and as a church community on Wednesdays during Lent from 6:30–6:55PM.
Living the Questions—Learning for Adults (7:00 PM)
After an interactive worship service that celebrates and honors our questions of faith, join a group of other adults to use our questions as a form of spiritual practice. We will use scripture, prayer, song, and story to ponder the most important questions of our lives and of our world, allowing us to slowly live our way into the answers.
Lenten Wednesday Night Schedule
5:00–6:15 PM Dinner in Fellowship Hall
5:00–6:00 PM Youth Bells
5:00–9:00 PM WNYG (High School Ministry)
5:30–6:00 PM Children’s Ministry Programming
6:00–6:25 PM Children & Youth Choirs
6:30–6:55 PM Lenten Worship
6:30–7:30 PM Confirmation
7:00–7:45 PM Adult Bells
7:00–8:00 PM Adult Education (Large & Small Group)
7:00–8:15 PM Adult Choir