Worship Services from December 2022
Christmas Eve Worship (3:30 PM) “Because We Can’t”
This service will feature special music from our Canticle Choir and orchestra, directed by Larry Bach, and soloist Elliana Meier. We celebrate Christmas with beloved carols, choral music, and an inspirational message for all of God’s children.
Christmas Wiggle & Worship (3:00 PM)
The name says it all. This service is for families with young children and will feature energetic music by our Wiggle Band and the Starlite Singers and we will share the Christmas story in a way that reaches our littlest worshipers and their parents.
Advent Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “What’s in a Name?”
Text: Isaiah 7:10-14 How often do we say, “Lord, just give us a sign…”? And God says, I have just the sign for you that you need more than anything: Immanuel, God with us. As Christmas approaches, we hear of God’s greatest gift to humanity and we respond to this gift with our devotion, our obedience to God’s will, and our hearts filled with praise.
Advent Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “What’s in a Name?”
Text: Isaiah 7:10-14 How often do we say, “Lord, just give us a sign…”? And God says, I have just the sign for you that you need more than anything: Immanuel, God with us. As Christmas approaches, we hear of God’s greatest gift to humanity and we respond to this gift with our devotion, our obedience to God’s will, and our hearts filled with praise.
Advent Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “What Do You Want for Christmas?”
Text: Matthew 3:1-12 We do a lot to get ready for Christmas but what does John the Baptist mean when he says “Prepare the way for the Lord?” How can we carve out some time for spiritual practices in the midst of a busy season so that we experience more fully the coming of Christ at Christmas?
Advent Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “The Light Before Christmas” Children’s Program
Text: Matthew 3:1-12 We do a lot to get ready for Christmas but what does John the Baptist mean when he says “Prepare the way for the Lord?” How can we carve out some time for spiritual practices in the midst of a busy season so that we experience more fully the coming of Christ at Christmas?
Advent Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “An Everyday Thing”
Text: Matthew 3:1-12 We do a lot to get ready for Christmas but what does John the Baptist mean when he says “Prepare the way for the Lord?” How can we carve out some time for spiritual practices in the midst of a busy season so that we experience more fully the coming of Christ at Christmas?
Advent Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “An Everyday Thing”
Text: Matthew 3:1-12 We do a lot to get ready for Christmas but what does John the Baptist mean when he says “Prepare the way for the Lord?” How can we carve out some time for spiritual practices in the midst of a busy season so that we experience more fully the coming of Christ at Christmas?