“My Jesus, I Love Thee” (arr. by Beau Roberts)
Jodi Edstrom
Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
“Joyous Light of Heavenly Glory” ELW # 561
In a season when answers don’t come easily,
when questions and doubts, concerns and fears abound,
we gather with each other to hear a word of promise.
God, our creator and sustainer,
delights in our curiosity,
calls forth our questions,
and embraces our doubts, no matter what.
(beat of silence)
In a world with enough for all,
we remember that many lack enough to eat,
live paycheck to paycheck, or long for meaningful work.
Why, O Lord?
As you call your people and this planet to peace and wholeness,
we see communities in conflict and the countless costs of war.
Why, O Lord?
We share the same world, the same streets, the same air,
but we appear to be more divided than ever.
Why, O Lord?
With our questions, with our fears,
God answers with a better way,
a way of love and harmony,
a way of Jesus.
Surrounded by this community of friends,
we follow the way of Jesus into God’s promises
of wholeness and hope that are unfolding before us,
one step at a time. Amen.
Jodi Edstrom, Barb Carroll
“A Gaelic Blessing”
The Lord Almighty grant us a quiet night and peace at the last. Amen.
It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praise to your name, O most high, to herald your love in the morning, your truth at the close of the day. Amen.
“A Gaelic Blessing” (reprise)
“Allegro from Sonata in A Minor” (by C.P.E. Bach)
Jodi Edstrom
The Musicians for Today’s Worship
- Jodi Edstrom
- Barb Carroll (Organist)
- Kate Neiss
As a community of faith we are connected through joy, sorrow, worship, and prayer. Please pray for the people listed below.
Your prayers are greatly appreciated!
We ask for God’s loving embrace to hold all those who mourn, especially:
- Jason Schultz, Jen Cater & family on the death of Lou Schulz
- Meggy Wagner and family on the death of her father, Reinhold
- Prayers for Debbie Gelle and family on the death of her father Don Denike
- Jeanne Aamot and family on the death of her mother, Nancy
- Caleb Wragge, Kathy, Kari, Gary Blackford and family on the death of Marilyn Kramme
- Gabrielle Sybilrud and family on the death of Gabrielle’s mother, Mary Kahman
- Gwen Chapman and family on the death of her stepfather, Len Prahl
- Prayers for Deb and Roger Supalla and family on the death of their nephew, Brian Sommers
Prayers of Mourning:
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord; O Lord, hear my voice. Psalm 130:1–2
For I am convinced that neither death nor life… nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38–39
Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die’. John 11:25–26
As we are praying for all members of the St. Andrew community, this week we pray especially for God’s comfort, healing, protection, and strength to be present with:
- Prayers for Ralph and Mary Hanson’s son Kristopher
- Darlene our wonderful cook at Spirit in the pines who has surgery coming up
- Andrew Pick
- Delores Cornelius
- Ron Bergom
- Gabe Perez
- Delia Tufte
- John Rostad’s father, Mike
- Stephanie Berg’s son-in-law, Zach
Long Term Prayers:
- Gordon Gilbert
- Kathy Hoagland
- Dave & Sherri Anderson’s daughter, Sarah Anderson-Jacobson
- Ron Wolfbauer
- Dick Smith
- Tammi Ziesemann as she continues her cancer treatment
- For the people of Haiti enduring ongoing political upheaval, severe economic challenges, and gang-related violence.
- For the people of the Middle East and Ukraine – non-violence and peace.
- All those in the military serving our country
General Prayers:
Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you. Psalm 55:22a
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28
Names will remain listed for three weeks unless otherwise requested. To add a name to the prayer list, click Prayer Requests or contact Pastor Peter Johnson.