Worship Services from February 2023

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Lost Sheep”
Text: Luke 15:1-7 In the first of three parables from Luke 15, Jesus invites us to think about those persons who are outside of the fold. How does this story inform the way we approach ministry and life as we encounter people who seem to be lost sheep? How is God seeking us and calling us to repentance when we fail to see ourselves as lost sheep who are redeemed by the Good Shepherd?

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Lost Sheep”
Text: Luke 15:1-7 In the first of three parables from Luke 15, Jesus invites us to think about those persons who are outside of the fold. How does this story inform the way we approach ministry and life as we encounter people who seem to be lost sheep? How is God seeking us and calling us to repentance when we fail to see ourselves as lost sheep who are redeemed by the Good Shepherd?
Ash Wednesday Wiggle & Worship
Bring your family and friends to Wiggle & Worship with us on this Ash Wednesday!
Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Transfiguration Sunday”
Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration Sunday bridges the gap between the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany cycle and the season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. Our services will feature inspiring music from the Canticle Choir and Josh Eidem at the 9 AM service and Elliana Meier and the Worship Band at the 10:30 AM service. Come and bring a friend!
Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Transfiguration Sunday”
Matthew 17:1-9 Transfiguration Sunday bridges the gap between the Advent-Christmas-Epiphany cycle and the season of Lent which begins on Ash Wednesday. Our services will feature inspiring music from the Canticle Choir and Josh Eidem at the 9 AM service and Elliana Meier and the Worship Band at the 10:30 AM service. Come and bring a friend!

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Saying No Will Change Your Life”
Luke 4:1-13 Perhaps our lives, every once in a while, would benefit from an audit. How do we spend our time? Are we efficient? Are we doing what we have been called to do? How much of what we do is an old habit or the result of feeling like we’re stuck? The point this week will be: thinking about the things that we do or focus on that doesn’t bring joy and goodness into our lives. And also, when…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Saying No Will Change Your Life”
Luke 4:1-13 Perhaps our lives, every once in a while, would benefit from an audit. How do we spend our time? Are we efficient? Are we doing what we have been called to do? How much of what we do is an old habit or the result of feeling like we’re stuck? The point this week will be: thinking about the things that we do or focus on that doesn’t bring joy and goodness into our lives. And also, when…

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Serving Others Will Change Your Life”
When pressed to winnow down all the laws into only one Jesus said, “Got it. Love God. Love people.” The point – the people who love and serve God and – as a result – people who feel called and inspired to go love and serve other people in the name of Jesus. Just imagine a world where people are more concerned about someone other than him or herself. That in the world that God wants and envisions.

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Serving Others Will Change Your Life”
When pressed to winnow down all the laws into only one Jesus said, “Got it. Love God. Love people.” The point – the people who love and serve God and – as a result – people who feel called and inspired to go love and serve other people in the name of Jesus. Just imagine a world where people are more concerned about someone other than him or herself. That in the world that God wants and envisions.