Worship Archive (Page 27)

Thank you for visiting St. Andrew Lutheran Church’s Worship Archive. Below you can find the latest worship videos, sermon audio, and bulletins. You can use the yellow tabs above to sort by series, books of the Bible, preaching pastor, and date.

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Maundy Thursday “No Ordinary Love”

Deuteronomy 6:4-9, John 13:33-35 Jesus brings us together to become one body, united through the bread and wine of the Lord’s Supper. On Maundy Thursday (“commandment” Thursday), we remember the new commandment that Jesus gives us to love one another and we celebrate Holy Communion along with our children who receive their First Communion. The service also offers the opportunity for all to receive a blessing and the assurance of forgiveness through the laying on of hands, an ancient practice…

Palm Sunday (10:30 Blended)

Luke 19:28-42 Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians around the world. As our Sunday School children join us in worship with palm branches and shouts of “hosanna,” we hear together the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and we see how events will turn that lead Jesus toward the cross of Calvary—for us and for our salvation. Christians today still need to raise our voices in singing hosanna—“Lord, save us!”

Palm Sunday (9:00 AM Traditional)

Luke 19:28-42 Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week for Christians around the world. As our Sunday School children join us in worship with palm branches and shouts of “hosanna,” we hear together the story of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem and we see how events will turn that lead Jesus toward the cross of Calvary—for us and for our salvation. Christians today still need to raise our voices in singing hosanna—“Lord, save us!”

Worth (Blended 10:30 AM)

Text: Luke 7:36-50 As we conclude our series, we take a look at the topic of worth. Do we ever, even subconsciously, assign more worth to some people than to others- including ourselves? Jesus is all about showing us the value of each person and this is shown beautifully in the story of a sinful woman who responds to Jesus with genuine worship. We are taught throughout the scriptures that Jesus deals tenderly with the outcast, with the underdog, with…

Worth (9:00 AM Traditional)

Text: Luke 7:36-50 As we conclude our series, we take a look at the topic of worth. Do we ever, even subconsciously, assign more worth to some people than to others- including ourselves? Jesus is all about showing us the value of each person and this is shown beautifully in the story of a sinful woman who responds to Jesus with genuine worship. We are taught throughout the scriptures that Jesus deals tenderly with the outcast, with the underdog, with…

Lent | Worship “God Pursues Us with Grace”

Text: Psalm 23:6a God provides blessing upon blessing, grace upon grace. And Jesus made it clear that we do not choose God but, rather, God chooses us. So how then is God pursuing us with grace and love and what difference does this make in our daily lives?

“Uncertainty” (10:30 Blended)

Text: John 11:17-27 What are the things that “rattle” us the most in our lives? In our series so far, we have examined fear, doubt and over-commitment. This Sunday, we look at uncertainty and we find ourselves being able to relate with Mary and Martha who are distraught over the death of their brother Lazarus: “Lord, if you have had been here…” How does Jesus respond to them and to us in our times of uncertainty? How is God bringing…

“Uncertainty” (9:00 AM Traditional)

Text: John 11:17-27 What are the things that “rattle” us the most in our lives? In our series so far, we have examined fear, doubt and over-commitment. This Sunday, we look at uncertainty and we find ourselves being able to relate with Mary and Martha who are distraught over the death of their brother Lazarus: “Lord, if you have had been here…” How does Jesus respond to them and to us in our times of uncertainty? How is God bringing…

Lent | Worship “God gives us a place of honor”

Text: Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. God provides a place for us and it is a place of honor. What does the ancient world’s culture of honor and shame have to do with our life as 21st century Christians and who’s invited to that table that God prepares anyway?

“Over-Commitment” (10:30 Blended)

Text: Luke 14:15-24 The Christian faith brings words of challenge to us as well as words of comfort. When our schedules are filled to the brim with commitments but we leave little room for the things that Jesus calls us to do, Jesus reminds us of our true priorities through a parable that speaks to our over-scheduled modern lives. Jesus taught us a prayer that can direct us as we order our lives and our priorities: “thy kingdom come, thy…

“Over-commitment” (9:00 AM Traditional)

Text: Luke 14:15-24 The Christian faith brings words of challenge to us as well as words of comfort. When our schedules are filled to the brim with commitments but we leave little room for the things that Jesus calls us to do, Jesus reminds us of our true priorities through a parable that speaks to our over-scheduled modern lives. Jesus taught us a prayer that can direct us as we order our lives and our priorities: “thy kingdom come, thy…