Worship Archive (Page 26)

Thank you for visiting St. Andrew Lutheran Church’s Worship Archive. Below you can find the latest worship videos, sermon audio, and bulletins. You can use the yellow tabs above to sort by series, books of the Bible, preaching pastor, and date.

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The Other Side (9:00 AM Traditional)

Text: John 13:31-35 “He who dies with the most toys wins.” This philosophy points to a way of life for many people who either, knowingly or unknowingly, chase after material things and the comforts of this life. On “the other side” of this coin is the example of our Lord who stooped to wash his disciples’ feet and who calls us to live a life marked by servanthood and sacrifice.

“Everlasting Arms” (Blended)

John 10:22-30 This mortal life has been called “the vale of tears” as it brings us many trials and tribulations. Is there something better for us on “the other side”? According to Jesus who comes to us as our Risen Savior, there most assuredly is eternal life that we can experience both now and after we die. This is most certainly true!

“Everlasting Arms” (Traditional)

John 10:22-30 This mortal life has been called “the vale of tears” as it brings us many trials and tribulations. Is there something better for us on “the other side”? According to Jesus who comes to us as our Risen Savior, there most assuredly is eternal life that we can experience both now and after we die. This is most certainly true!

“The Other Side” (Blended)

The risen Christ comes to us give us assurance that he has the power to forgive and to change things for the better. When the disciples’ attempts to bring in their daily catch of fish are failing, Jesus comes with the power of God’s blessing and they are told to cast their nets on “the other side” of the boat. The catch of 153 fish signifies that God’s love is for all of humanity as the number 153 represented the…

“The Other Side” (Traditional)

The risen Christ comes to us give us assurance that he has the power to forgive and to change things for the better. When the disciples’ attempts to bring in their daily catch of fish are failing, Jesus comes with the power of God’s blessing and they are told to cast their nets on “the other side” of the boat. The catch of 153 fish signifies that God’s love is for all of humanity as the number 153 represented the…

“The Other Side” (Blended)

John 20:19-31 History has not been kind to Thomas when he was given the name “Doubting Thomas.” But his story has another side and so does our story because of Easter. We experience doubts and trials of our own today even though we are on the other side of the Resurrection. Jesus is speaking in our text about us and about Christians throughout the ages who have not seen him with our own eyes and yet have believed. But whether…

“The Other Side” (Traditional)

Text: John 20:19-31 History has not been kind to Thomas when he was given the name “Doubting Thomas.” But his story has another side and so does our story because of Easter. We experience doubts and trials of our own today even though we are on the other side of the Resurrection. Jesus is speaking in our text about us and about Christians throughout the ages who have not seen him with our own eyes and yet have believed. But…

Easter (11:00 AM) “Empty”

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! On Easter morning, Christians around the world gather to celebrate the most significant event in the life of the church. The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive! Easter changes everything.

Easter Wiggle & Worship

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! On Easter morning, Christians around the world gather to celebrate the most significant event in the life of the church. The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive! Easter changes everything.

Easter (9:00AM) “Empty”

Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed! On Easter morning, Christians around the world gather to celebrate the most significant event in the life of the church. The tomb is empty. Jesus is alive! Easter changes everything.

Good Friday Worship (7:00 PM) “The Seven Last Words”

“The Seven Last Words”—where the story is primarily told through music as the Canticle Choir and a professional orchestra perform the soul-stirring music of Michael John Trotta. Our pastors provide context through devotional reflections and we experience the holding of the cross as a worshipping community together. Bring a friend and join us for this powerful service of music and reflection.