Welcome, below you can find a listing of upcoming events and ministries at St. Andrew. You can use the yellow button above to filter by category or change views. Some ongoing ministries or service opportunities may be listed on their ministries pages.
Serve and Play Release Day
Age Range: Kindergarten-5th Grade Days/Times: November 8, 9:00 AM–4:00 PM Description: Join us on November 8th when Eden Prairie and Minnetonka have no school for a Serve and Play Release Day. (If you have school that day—don’t dismay we have several more planned after Christmas!) We will play games, have a bible study, do a service project, and then have a fun field trip in the afternoon. The cost is $50 and includes admission, transportation, snacks, and lunch. Registration will…
Untapping Faith
Location: TBD Description: Meet up with other young adults on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at a local brewery. We share conversation around the intersections of faith and our daily lives. N/A options are always available. Contact: Caleb Wragge
Queer Faith Alliance
Age Range: Teenagers and adults Days/Times: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, September-May Description: Queer Faith Alliance is a small group learning together about how we as individuals, families, and the church can be fully welcoming and inclusive to the LBGTQ+ community. It is the responsibility of the Church to affirm all people and celebrate orientations and gender expressions that have often been targeted. When we work in community to feel God’s all-embracing love, we are stronger for…
Moms of Littles
Days/Times: Second Thurs. of the month, beginning October 10 Description: This is a group for moms of young children that meets monthly for support, encouragement and fellowship. This group will also host periodic activities for their families and children. Contact: Shawna Berg
Camp Registration Opens
Description: The camp calendar, fees and other Summer 2025 information will be posted by November 1st on the camp webpage spiritinthepinescamp.org. Registrations are accepted all summer long providing space is still available. Scholarship requests are available for all of our camp and retreat programs. Contact: Sarah Blasing
Children’s Christmas Program
Age Range: All Sunday School children Days/Times: December 15, 9:00 AM Description: Don’t miss our Sunday School children and children’s music groups presenting a retelling of the Christmas story through song, narration, and pictures. Contact: Shawna Berg
Wiggle & Worship Christmas Eve
Age Range: All children Days/Time: December 24, 11:00 AM Description: Join us on Christmas Eve for a service designed especially for young children and families. This service is intentionally crafted for young children who may “wiggle” and move. It is interactive yet still shares the important message of Jesus’ birth! Contact: Shawna Berg
First Communion Class
Age Range: Elementary-age Children Days/Times: March 9, 12:00–1:30 PM Description: For Elementary students looking for First Communion instruction. Join us to learn more about what this sacrament means, and how to receive it. Come if you have never taken communion and would like to begin, or even if you have been taking it, but haven’t had instruction yet. REGISTRATION TO COME Contact: Shawna Berg