Upcoming Events (Page 5)

Welcome, below you can find a listing of upcoming events and ministries at St. Andrew. You can use the yellow button above to filter by category or change views. Some ongoing ministries or service opportunities may be listed on their ministries pages.

Untapping Faith

Location: TBD  Description: Meet up with other young adults on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at a local brewery. We share conversation around the intersections of faith and our daily lives. N/A options are always available.   Contact: Caleb Wragge

Patio Crawl

Ages: Adults Days/Times: 3rd Thursdays of the month, 6:30 PM Description: Looking for an easy way to connect with others from St. Andrew in a friendly and relaxed setting? In order for us to grow in our friendships and Christian faith, we are encouraged to engage with others from our church community. Join St. Andrew staff and other members and friends for casual conversation and easy discussion topics. No preparation is needed. Come as you are. Contact: Pastor Matthew Fleming

Suicide Bereavement Support Group

Every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday. Age Range: 18 or older Location: St. Andrew Chapel Description: This support group aims to provide a safe, accepting and non-judgmental place for people struggling with the challenge of suicide loss. Leadership of this support group have experienced personal loss of their own and have received specialized training. Contact: Tammy Sperr and Cheryl Harjes

Worship Young

Days/Times: 3rd Sunday of the month at 9:00 & 10:30 AM Description: This is an opportunity for children to be engaged in the worship service in leadership roles through reading, assisting with ushering or offering, and sharing in special music. There will be a children’s sermon and families will serve communion together! Contact: Shawna Berg

First Communion Class

Age Range: Elementary-age Children Days/Times: March 9, 12:00–1:30 PM Description: For Elementary students looking for First Communion instruction. Join us to learn more about what this sacrament means, and how to receive it. Come if you have never taken communion and would like to begin, or even if you have been taking it, but haven’t had instruction yet. REGISTRATION TO COME Contact: Shawna Berg

3rd Saturday Women’s Bible Study 

Age Range: Adult women  Days/Times: 3rd Saturday of the month (excluding November– March), 8:30–10:30 AM Description: Join us to discuss the scripture for that Sunday’s worship. We welcome women of all ages and stages of life to participate. No advance preparation needed.  Contact: Jeri Glander