Upcoming Events (Page 3)

Welcome, below you can find a listing of upcoming events and ministries at St. Andrew. You can use the yellow button above to filter by category or change views. Some ongoing ministries or service opportunities may be listed on their ministries pages.

Queer Faith Alliance 

Age Range: Teenagers and adults Days/Times: 2nd Wednesday of the month at 6:30 PM, September-May Description: Queer Faith Alliance is a small group learning together about how we as individuals, families, and the church can be fully welcoming and inclusive to the LBGTQ+ community. It is the responsibility of the Church to affirm all people and celebrate orientations and gender expressions that have often been targeted. When we work in community to feel God’s all-embracing love, we are stronger for…

Spirit Singers

All choirs run September – May. Age Range: 6th–12th grade Days/Times: Wednesdays from 6:30–7:00 PM, September–May Description: The Spirit Singers sing approximately once a month in worship and for special services like Thanksgiving Eve and Christmas Eve. Spirit Singers is a great place to sing with friends, serve God, and to make music with a top-notch director. Occasionally, they combine with the Canticle Choir, Sonshine Singers, and Starlight Singers.  Contact: Sarah Gilbertson

Bells of Joy

Age Range: Adult Days/Times: Weds. from 6:30–7:25 PM, September–May Description: This 5-octave handbell choir for adults meets weekly to rehearse and plays in worship about once a month. Bells of Joy is a small group opportunity for those who enjoy praising God through music. Ringing experience is helpful in this advanced bell choir. *Dates and times may be subject to change. Keep in touch with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Tim Graf

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Age range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays beginning October 2 Description: On the first Wednesday of October, a small group of learning and fellowship will delve into Pastor Matthew Fleming’s book The End Is the Beginning: Revelation, Hope, and the Love That Lit the Stars. Come for a lively discussion. No in-depth Bible Study experience is needed. All are welcome. The book is for sale at the Front Desk. Contact: Pastor Peter or Pastor Matthew

Wednesday Night Youth Group (WNYG)

Age Range: 9th–12th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM, beginning September 11 with a kick-off bonfire Description: Connect with other high school students from around the southwest metro at Wednesday Night Youth Group and monthly special events. On Wednesday nights the first couple of hours are dedicated to relaxing, do homework and eat snacks. Then we play awesome games, do meaningful service projects, and most importantly connect with God by learning about our Faith. Invite your friends because all are welcome…

Canticle Choir

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays from 7:30–8:45 PM, September–May Description: The Canticle Choir singers lead the congregation at two 9:00 AM Sunday services a month by singing the liturgy, special hymn arrangements, anthems, calls to worship, and the occasional major choral/orchestral compositions. *Dates are subject to change. Please keep in contact with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Larry Bach

Thursday Night Kickball 

Days/Times: Thursday evenings  Location: Bloomington area  Description: Thursday nights throughout the fall St. Andrew sponsor’s a team of young adult members to play kickball. We cheer each other on and enjoy some drinks after our games. If you are interested please let us know!  Contact: Dan Kibat or Caleb Wragge

Pastor’s Book Study

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Thursdays 9:00–10:00 AM (Except July–August) Description: Connecting with each other in meaningful conversation can make your day more meaningful. One dynamic and welcoming small group at St. Andrew is the Pastor’s Book Study. Alternating between St. Andrew pastors, share in conversation, learning, and community building. On the first Thursday of October, we will begin discussing Pastor Matthew Fleming’s book “The End Is the Beginning: Revelation, Hope, and the Love That Lit the Stars.” The book is…

Be Still and Know…Beginning Yoga & Devotion

Most Thursdays at 9:30 AM through May either in person(St. Andrew, Room 206) or on Zoom. Contact Carole to be placed on the email list to receive updates on dates and locations. This is an open group and welcomes new participants each week. Each session opens with scripture and closes with a devotion and prayer. No previous yoga experience necessary. Participants wear yoga type stretchy pants with a semi-fitted top that allows for movement and bring a yoga mat or beach towel. Classes are taught by…

Moms of Littles

Days/Times: Second Thurs. of the month, beginning October 10 Description: This is a group for moms of young children that meets monthly for support, encouragement and fellowship. This group will also host periodic activities for their families and children. Contact: Shawna Berg

Women of the Word—PM

Age Range: Adult women Days/Times: Thursdays 6:30–8:00 PM, September–May Description: Join us for a women’s Bible study of faith and fellowship using DVD, workbook lessons, and small group discussions. For beginners and advanced! All women are welcome, members and non-members. Our 13-week study on the book Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted by Priscilla Shirer will begin September 12th. Contact: Karen Willyard | (952) 937-2722

Sat. AM Men’s Bible Study

Age Range: Adult men 40+ Days/Times: 9:00–11:00 AM each Saturday, new members welcome Description: The Saturday mornings men’s group is a lighthearted bunch from several churches in the Southwest Metro that enjoys Christian fellowship and learning. We have a particular liking to Andy Stanley and other contemporary Christian preachers. We use videos and Bible studies as conversation starters on living a Christian man’s life in today’s world. Join us anytime, you don’t need to wait until we start a new…