Upcoming Events (Page 3)

Welcome, below you can find a listing of upcoming events and ministries at St. Andrew. You can use the yellow button above to filter by category or change views. Some ongoing ministries or service opportunities may be listed on their ministries pages.

Wednesday Night Dinners

Description: Newcomers, friends, and family are invited to our Wednesday Night Dinners. Make dinner easy and join us for a home-cooked meal as you come for fellowship, education, music practice, or just to visit. All are welcome. No reservations needed.   Beginning September 18th throughout the Wednesday night program year, we offer a main course, fruit and salad, and dessert.  Meals include a main course, fruit, salad and dessert.  Cash, checks, credit cards, and Apple Pay accepted. In our salad bar you…

Bells of Joy

Age Range: Adult Days/Times: Weds. from 6:30–7:25 PM, September–May Description: This 5-octave handbell choir for adults meets weekly to rehearse and plays in worship about once a month. Bells of Joy is a small group opportunity for those who enjoy praising God through music. Ringing experience is helpful in this advanced bell choir. *Dates and times may be subject to change. Keep in touch with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Tim Graf

A More Just World—Social Justice Group

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: First Wednesdays of each month at 6:30 PM Description: When it comes to matters of race in our community, St. Andrew is dedicated to helping create a more just world for all people through listening, learning, growing, and acting differently. Monthly meetings provide fellowship for people wanting to dedicate themselves to this process on an ongoing basis. Join us for conversation and learning opportunities. We discuss race and healing through the use of readings, videos and…

Wednesday Evening Bible Study

Age range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays beginning October 2 Description: On the first Wednesday of October, a small group of learning and fellowship will delve into Pastor Matthew Fleming’s book The End Is the Beginning: Revelation, Hope, and the Love That Lit the Stars. Come for a lively discussion. No in-depth Bible Study experience is needed. All are welcome. The book is for sale at the Front Desk. Contact: Pastor Peter or Pastor Matthew

Wednesday Night Youth Group (WNYG)

Age Range: 9th–12th Grade Days/Times: Wednesdays, 7:00–9:00 PM, beginning September 11 with a kick-off bonfire Description: Connect with other high school students from around the southwest metro at Wednesday Night Youth Group and monthly special events. On Wednesday nights the first couple of hours are dedicated to relaxing, do homework and eat snacks. Then we play awesome games, do meaningful service projects, and most importantly connect with God by learning about our Faith. Invite your friends because all are welcome…

Canticle Choir

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays from 7:30–8:45 PM, September–May Description: The Canticle Choir singers lead the congregation at two 9:00 AM Sunday services a month by singing the liturgy, special hymn arrangements, anthems, calls to worship, and the occasional major choral/orchestral compositions. *Dates are subject to change. Please keep in contact with the Choir Director for up-to-date information. Contact: Larry Bach

Parents Night Out

Age Range: Up to 5th Grade Days/Times: First Friday of the month, beginning November 1, 5:00–8:00 PM Description: Sign up for Parent’s Night Out! Our CYF Staff and Spirit in the Pines Counselors will partner together to provide a fun evening for your children, so you can enjoy an evening out! We will provide crafts, a pizza dinner, recreation time, and a snack each night. Cost is $20 for one child and $10 additional dollars for every additional child. Pre-registration…

Monday Evening Men’s Group

Age Range: Adult men (husbands/fathers) Days/Times: 1st and 3rd Monday of the month, 6:00–7:30 PM, September–May Description: With so many places to go and things to do, it is often hard to take time for yourself. We want to gather men together to share experiences and wisdom about life and being a good dad, husband, and Christian. The group uses various faith-based resources to stimulate conversation and learning. We provide men with networking and relationship-building opportunities, giving one another a…

Suicide Bereavement Support Group

Every 1st Tuesday and 3rd Thursday. Age Range: 18 or older Location: St. Andrew Chapel Description: This support group aims to provide a safe, accepting and non-judgmental place for people struggling with the challenge of suicide loss. Leadership of this support group have experienced personal loss of their own and have received specialized training. Contact: Tammy Sperr and Cheryl Harjes

Session 1: Morning Confirmation Class

THIS IS A MORNING CLASS Confirmation students will participate in group learning, discussions, relationship building, and experiences that will help develop their faith. Confirmation is the learning opportunity for middle school students at St. Andrew Lutheran. The program is designed with the hope that students will learn more about the Bible, about who Jesus is, will deepen their faith, strengthen friendship, and will find their place in the church. The program begins in 6th grade and ends with the Affirmation…

Loom Knitting Class and Gathering

Those with no loom knitting experience along with experienced loom knitters are invited to gather on the dates noted below for an easy-to-learn hat knitting class and connect with others from St. Andrew. Beginner knitters will be provided the loom, tools, yarn, and instructions to knit a hat that will be donated to charity. Beginners will complete the brim of a hat, and will knit the balance of the hat on their own at home. At the next gathering you will remove the hat from the…

Session 2 or 3: Afternoon or Evening Confirmation Class

4:45-5:45 pm, & 7-8 pm THIS IS AN AFTERNOON OR EVENING CLASS Confirmation students will participate in group learning, discussions, relationship building, and experiences that will help develop their faith. Confirmation is the learning opportunity for middle school students at St. Andrew Lutheran. The program is designed with the hope that students will learn more about the Bible, about who Jesus is, will deepen their faith, strengthen friendship, and will find their place in the church. The program begins in…