Worship Services by Pastor Gail Bach
Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Before I Go”
Text: John 17:1-19 When people are facing death, they speak of the things that matter the most to them. It was no different for Jesus, who prayed for us: for our unity and for our protection. We are all under the care of one who continues to look out for us, even when he is no longer in this world.
Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Before I Go”
Text: John 17:1-19 When people are facing death, they speak of the things that matter the most to them. It was no different for Jesus, who prayed for us: for our unity and for our protection. We are all under the care of one who continues to look out for us, even when he is no longer in this world.
Worship | Good Friday (7:00 PM) “The Seven Last Words”
“The Seven Last Words”- where the story is primarily told through music as the Canticle Choir and a professional orchestra perform the choral masterwork “The Seven Last Words of Jesus on the Cross” by Cesar Franck. Our pastors provide context through devotional reflections and we experience the holding of the cross as a worshipping community together. Bring a friend and join us for this powerful service of music and reflection.

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Lost Cause”
Text: Luke 22:54-62 Part of our Lenten journey involves us looking with honesty at our own sin and our need for redemption. Before the events of Good Friday unfold, Peter is overcome by fear and denies knowing Jesus. How do our own fears get in the way us following Jesus? Is the cause of Jesus’ ministry a lost cause? Is Peter a lost cause? Are we a lost cause or are there perhaps events coming in the week ahead that…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Lost Cause”
Text: Luke 22:54-62 Part of our Lenten journey involves us looking with honesty at our own sin and our need for redemption. Before the events of Good Friday unfold, Peter is overcome by fear and denies knowing Jesus. How do our own fears get in the way us following Jesus? Is the cause of Jesus’ ministry a lost cause? Is Peter a lost cause? Are we a lost cause or are there perhaps events coming in the week ahead that…

Worship | Lent (7:00 PM) “God in the Depths of Chaos”
Luther’s theology of the cross teaches us to look for God in the midst of suffering–not only the suffering of Christ on the cross but also the suffering of God’s children in this world. God meets us with a word of hope in the fire (Daniel 3), in brokenheartedness (Ps 34:18), and in death itself (Jonah 3). In these places we learn one of the most basic but crucial lessons of faith: to cry out for help to a God…

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Prayer Will Change Your Life”
Jesus – the only perfect person the world has ever known – would often just off by himself and pray. Here he was – God in the flesh and he felt the need to go and ask for help. Simply put, if he needed help – we’re gonna need a whole lot of help – like – all day – every day!

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Prayer Will Change Your Life”
Jesus – the only perfect person the world has ever known – would often just off by himself and pray. Here he was – God in the flesh and he felt the need to go and ask for help. Simply put, if he needed help – we’re gonna need a whole lot of help – like – all day – every day!

Worship (10:30 Contemporary) “Being Church Together – Part 2”
Text: Romans 15:4-6 How is God at work in us and in our church? What is the work of our church and why does it matter? We focus in on the role that we are called to play as God is joining us together to become a holy temple in the Lord “so that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Being Church Together – Part 2”
Text: Romans 15:4-6 How is God at work in us and in our church? What is the work of our church and why does it matter? We focus in on the role that we are called to play as God is joining us together to become a holy temple in the Lord “so that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Promises, Promises, Promises (10:30 AM Blended) “My Love Will Never Fail”
Text: Isaiah 54:10-13, 16-17 The circumstances that continue to rock this world leave us feeling uncertain and rattled. But God continues to speak to us in the midst of the daily torrent of heartbreaking news headlines and the harsh realities of sin and hate that seem to have the final word. The promises of God are upheld continously by God’s almighty hand and come to us like a beacon of light in the dark: “though the mountains be shaken and…

Promises, Promises, Promises (9:00 AM Traditional) “My Love Will Never Fail”
Text: Isaiah 54:10-13, 16-17 The circumstances that continue to rock this world leave us feeling uncertain and rattled. But God continues to speak to us in the midst of the daily torrent of heartbreaking news headlines and the harsh realities of sin and hate that seem to have the final word. The promises of God are upheld continuously by God’s almighty hand and come to us like a beacon of light in the dark: “though the mountains be shaken and…