Worship Services on John (Page 3)

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Go”

Text: John 20:19-22 (Key verse- John 20:21) “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” We are fed by God’s Word when we gather together in his name but it’s also important to know that when we leave this place, the risen Lord goes with us and before us. To protect, guide, fortify, and sustain us. We are motivated by God’s love to take that love out into the world that needs to hear the Good News!

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Go”

Text: John 20:19-22 (Key verse- John 20:21) “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” We are fed by God’s Word when we gather together in his name but it’s also important to know that when we leave this place, the risen Lord goes with us and before us. To protect, guide, fortify, and sustain us. We are motivated by God’s love to take that love out into the world that needs to hear the Good News!

Worship (10:30 AM Blended) “Uncorking Grace”

Text: John 2:1-11 The first recorded miracle of Jesus’ ministry happened at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. When Jesus turns water into wine, he not only saves a family from potential shame and embarrassment, but he also sets a pattern for all future miracles: to point people to the larger miracles that are performed each day by God the Father as water is continually turned to wine through the rains that come to nourish the vineyards. Jesus shows that…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Uncorking Grace”

Text: John 2:1-11 The first recorded miracle of Jesus’ ministry happened at a wedding in Cana of Galilee. When Jesus turns water into wine, he not only saves a family from potential shame and embarrassment, but he also sets a pattern for all future miracles: to point people to the larger miracles that are performed each day by God the Father as water is continually turned to wine through the rains that come to nourish the vineyards. Jesus shows that…

Promises, Promises, Promises (10:30 AM Blended) “I Will Set You Free”

Text: John 8:31-36 We are prone to respond like Jesus’ disciples to the teaching that we are slaves to sin: “we have never been slaves of anyone.” And yet, we most assuredly do sin and are in need of a Savior who has delivered on his promise to set us free from the power of sin in our lives. What will we do with this freedom from sin that Jesus has given to us?

The Other Side (10:30 Blended) “Remembering…”

Text: John 14:23-29 Just like Jesus’ disciples, we are often faced with fears and feelings of being abandoned by God. Jesus reminds us of the promise of the Holy Spirit and we are given the assurance that on “the other side” of these fears, God has given us a peace that is like nothing that the world can offer us.

The Other Side (9:00 AM Traditional) “Remembering…”

Text: John 14:23-29 Just like Jesus’ disciples, we are often faced with fears and feelings of being abandoned by God. Jesus reminds us of the promise of the Holy Spirit and we are given the assurance that on “the other side” of these fears, God has given us a peace that is like nothing that the world can offer us.

Worship “The Other Side”

Text: John 13:31-35 “He who dies with the most toys wins.” This philosophy points to a way of life for many people who either, knowingly or unknowingly, chase after material things and the comforts of this life. On “the other side” of this coin is the example of our Lord who stooped to wash his disciples’ feet and who calls us to live a life marked by servanthood and sacrifice.

The Other Side (9:00 AM Traditional)

Text: John 13:31-35 “He who dies with the most toys wins.” This philosophy points to a way of life for many people who either, knowingly or unknowingly, chase after material things and the comforts of this life. On “the other side” of this coin is the example of our Lord who stooped to wash his disciples’ feet and who calls us to live a life marked by servanthood and sacrifice.

“Everlasting Arms” (Blended)

John 10:22-30 This mortal life has been called “the vale of tears” as it brings us many trials and tribulations. Is there something better for us on “the other side”? According to Jesus who comes to us as our Risen Savior, there most assuredly is eternal life that we can experience both now and after we die. This is most certainly true!

“Everlasting Arms” (Traditional)

John 10:22-30 This mortal life has been called “the vale of tears” as it brings us many trials and tribulations. Is there something better for us on “the other side”? According to Jesus who comes to us as our Risen Savior, there most assuredly is eternal life that we can experience both now and after we die. This is most certainly true!