Worship Services on 1 John
The Other Side (10:30 AM Blended) “Livin’ on a Prayer”
Text: John 17:20-26 We have seen in recent years the turmoil that can be caused by deep divisions in our nation and in our world. On “the other side” of this division is the unity that God brings us to through the power of his resurrection and through the Holy Spirit. Even as Christ prays for the unity of all of his people, so we are called to pray and to work for unity in the world.
The Other Side (9:00 AM Traditional) “Livin’ on a Prayer”
Text: John 17:20-26 We have seen in recent years the turmoil that can be caused by deep divisions in our nation and in our world. On “the other side” of this division is the unity that God brings us to through the power of his resurrection and through the Holy Spirit. Even as Christ prays for the unity of all of his people, so we are called to pray and to work for unity in the world.

Love God, Love People | Love People… (10:30 AM Blended)
Text: Luke 10:25-37 Our storytelling Savior gives us a parable that is packed with meaning and shows us the essence of Christian love. We focus today on how compassion for others can be the driving force that ultimately brings meaning and purpose into our own lives even as we touch others. How are to be “good Samaritans” in this time and place and how does St. Andrew’s story of mission and ministry intersect with our own?

Generosity (10:30 AM)
What’s the Point: Generosity Text: 1 John 3:16-18 It’s easy to focus on ourselves and our own needs but God calls us to respond to the needs of the world around us. How is God calling us to live with a generosity that not only transforms the world around us but transforms us as well?

Generosity (9:00 AM)
What’s the Point: Generosity Text: 1 John 3:16-18 It’s easy to focus on ourselves and our own needs but God calls us to respond to the needs of the world around us. How is God calling us to live with a generosity that not only transforms the world around us but transforms us as well?