ATTENTION: Due to dangerously cold temperatures, St. Andrew Early Learning Childcare will have ADJUSTED hours Tuesday, February 18, from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM. Preschool will be CLOSED, but the building will be open.



At a person’s death, the church shares the grief of those who mourn, and remembers the brevity of life on earth. The St. Andrew Lutheran staff is here to help you make arrangements and bring comfort to you.

Contact: Please call the church office at 952.937.2776. If it is outside of normal office hours the phone message will give you an emergency contact number.

St. Andrew Prayer Garden and Columbarium 

The St. Andrew Memorial Prayer Garden is prepared for interring the cremains of church members and loved ones in a place kept sacred for the remembering of those who have died. The Memorial Prayer Garden proclaims our Church’s mission to be a caring community of saints who have gone before and those who grieve their death and bear witness to the gift of eternal life.

Contact: Kathie Radcliffe

Funeral Reception Team

Age Range: Adults and Teens

Days/Times: When the funeral reception leaders are notified of an upcoming funeral at St. Andrew, you will be notified through a SignUpGenius email and invited to donate food and/or help with the reception in the Fellowship Hall following a service. Reception day volunteers typically sign up for a 1½ hour time slot as their schedule allows. Most reception needs occur on weekdays between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM (occasionally weeknights or weekends). Frequency varies. Help when available. 

Description: Provide homemade goods or donate purchased food items as requested. Help with setting the dining tables, serving family and guests, or cleaning up following a funeral reception. All needs are specified within the SignUpGenius notification. No experience is necessary. This is a rewarding ministry and a wonderful way to meet new people in the congregation. Please join us!
