Not-so-familiar Stories from Scripture

Not-so-familiar Stories from Scripture

This fascinating story in the Old Testament is one of my favorites. It takes place in the temple, where God’s presence resides, waiting for the people of Israel. Eli is the prophet who hears God’s voice and speaks to God’s people, but there is a young boy named Samuel who is ministering with him in the temple. But rather than a cozy opening, it begins with an ominous proclamation:

“The word of the Lord was rare in those days; visions were not widespread.”

–1 Samuel 3:1

God’s word means the presence of life, creation, and all things good. If God’s word is rare, it means that God’s life-giving presence feels more like an aching absence, leaving people wondering where God might be or how God might be moving in this time and place.

The boy falls asleep in the temple but is awoken by a voice that calls out his name, “Samuel, Samuel!.” He runs back to Eli and shares the phrase that every prophet responds with, “Here I am!” But Eli wasn’t calling the boy. Samuel falls asleep again, only to be awakened by the same voice. Again, he goes to Eli with the same phrase, “Here I am!” It isn’t until the third time that Eli finally gets smart and coaches Samuel, “Go, lie down, and if he calls you, you shall say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”

The word that God finally gives Samuel is a difficult word to bring and to bear, but Samuel persists, sharing the message with Eli. At the very end of the story, the text shares this cryptic conclusion:

“As Samuel grew up, the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground.”

–1 Samuel 3:19

Sometimes I feel like these stories from scripture speak right into our moment and time. It feels like visions are not widespread, like the call of Christian community is not engaging people as it once did. It feels like the Word of the Lord is rare, like communities of faith wonder about their future and the promise.

And yet, there are those among us, often younger folks, who can hear clearly the call that is put in front of us. Like Samuel, our youth oftentimes can lead the way in times of trouble. Indeed, God is always up to something new, always blazing a new trail and always calling the people to a new form of faithfulness. Or, as the Lord said to Samuel:

“See, I am about to do something in Israel that will make both ears of anyone who hears of it tingle.”

–1 Samuel 3:11

What is God doing in your life that might make your ears tingle? How is God showing up in our world with challenging but dynamic calls? What message might you be called to share?

Pastor Matthew Fleming
Teaching Pastor, Church Anew Director