Stories of Faith

Over the years, my father and I often shared a familiar conversation at the end of the day. This was during his time as a Senior Pastor in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, while I was a young, newly ordained pastor serving my first church in Rochester, New York. To reconnect, he would consistently ask me: “What did you do to further the Kingdom today?”

This question wasn’t a judgment or a call to work harder, nor was it meant to make me feel like I hadn’t done enough. Instead, it was a grace-filled re minder of the countless ways the Spirit of Christ is present and active in the world through me and within the church I was serving. It was an invitation to reflect on and celebrate the many ways God’s blessings unfolded around us.

St. Andrew Lutheran Church is a community brimming with stories of faith—people who see God at work and live out their faith in unique and meaningful ways. Each person bears the Spirit of Christ in their own way, sharing God’s love with the world. This happens be cause God comes alongside us in grace, inspires purpose, invites us to serve in countless ways, deepens our relation ships, and blesses us with the fulfillment that comes from faithful work.

In the Lent 2025 newsletter, we celebrate how God is creating stories of faith within and through the everyday lives of people at St. Andrew. Together, we embody and share God’s goodness and love with the world.

In this season’s SON TIMES, you’ll read how:

  • Our Early Learning Childcare and Preschool programs are celebrating 30 and 35 years, respectively, with second-generation families now participating.
  • St. Andrew’s story is being shared on social media in new and far-reaching ways.
  • New staff members—Pastor Jeanne Aamot, Visitation Pastor and Scott Searl, Stewardship and Development specialist—are bringing their faith experiences into service within our congregation.
  • Read how children and youth are invited and inspired to faith through the ongoing ministry of St. Andrew.

So, sit back and enjoy these stories of how St. Andrew equips servant leaders in daily life of all ages and backgrounds over the coming weeks (or check your newsletter in the mail). Join us for Wednesday night Lenten worship at 6:30 PM, beginning March 12, for a time of simple worship and firsthand accounts from those who humbly and faithfully witness to God’s work in the world.

May these God-inspired stories of faith encourage each of us to live lives of hope, generosity, and joy.

Blessings to you all,

Pastor Peter Johnson
Senior Pastor

Following the Way

Sermon Series | Lent 2025

The season of Lent is an invitation to follow in the footsteps of Jesus. This year, we will be studying perhaps the most important but least known words that Jesus shared in his lifetime: The Sermon on the Mount. Each week, Jesus will issue a challenge to follow in the provocative, life-changing, freedom-giving, hope-inspiring way of love. Step by step, we will pick up the tasks that Jesus has for us and let go of the burdens that the world might want from us in order to find the love at the center of our faith.

Wednesdays in Lent

Every Wednesday during Lent, we invite a member of St. Andrew to share their faith story. Surrounded by singing, prayer, and community, we will listen attentively to how the Spirit moves in each of our lives. You won’t want to miss the powerful stories of faith shared by our community members. Join us for a home-cooked meal in the Fellowship Hall and worship in the Sanctuary on the following Wednesdays: March 12, 19, 26, and April 2, 9, at 6:30 PM. This meaningful 30-minute worship service is not to be missed!