Living Out Our Faith In Daily Life

St. Andrew has in-person and online livestream worship on Sunday mornings. Join us at 9:00 or 10:30 AM.

Emergency Disaster Response

The St. Andrew High School Leadership Team is fundraising money throughout October to support people impacted by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, the most devastating hurricanes since 2005’s Hurricane Katrina. These devastating storms are affecting multiple states and countless people with flooding, no power, and destruction. Join us as we seek to reach our goal of raising $2,500 to assist with relief efforts. 100% of the gifts will be given to Lutheran Disaster Response. Any donations made should be labeled hurricane relief.

Rooted & Grounded (In Love)

Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem

Earlier this summer, Pastor Peter brought our staff together to develop a new vision statement for St. Andrew: “Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith.” Now, even as we lean into this vision statement, we can also recognize and celebrate the fact that our church has been about the business of nurturing the future of faith for a long time. As part of sharing this story, we’re going to hear from two people who have become unofficial “artists…

Nurturing the Future of Faith: A Message From a CYF Volunteer

I have been blessed to serve in children and youth (CYF) ministry in many wonderful capacities: Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation small group leader, mission trip mom, and Los Ninos. Each opportunity has spiritually enriched me through the people who lead our programs and the relationships that have developed with our youth of all ages. My journey working with our St. Andrew youth (each a beautiful child of God) has filled my heart with such joy. After my son started Sunday…

Upcoming Events

Cheer Me On!

Age Range: Children of all Ages Description: Sign up to have Ms. Shawna or Ms. Arlene come cheer you on at an upcoming game, concert, recital, or other special event! Fill out the form on our website, and maybe we will see you at an event this fall! So many of our kids are doing amazing things, and we want to cheer you on! Contact: Shawna Berg

Band of Brothers

Age Range: Mixed men Days/Times: Wednesdays, 6:30–7:30 AM  Description: Join fellow Christian men each week to examine how faith affects our daily life and relationships. Participate weekly, when you can. Contact: Don Mussell

Session 1: Morning Confirmation Class

THIS IS A MORNING CLASS Confirmation students will participate in group learning, discussions, relationship building, and experiences that will help develop their faith. Confirmation is the learning opportunity for middle school students at St. Andrew Lutheran. The program is designed with the hope that students will learn more about the Bible, about who Jesus is, will deepen their faith, strengthen friendship, and will find their place in the church. The program begins in 6th grade and ends with the Affirmation…

Early Risers Bible Study

Age Range: Adults Days/Times: Wednesdays 8:00–9:00 AM in Room 207 Description: Come for a lively discussion as we dive into the Word of God using books written by a variety of authors. These studies continue all year long and we often use bible study materials to help us in our conversation. Starting the first Wednesday of September, we will be reading and discussing the Gospel of John. Beginning the first Wednesday of October, we will be reading and discussing Pastor…

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”

Ephesians 2:8