Christmas at St. Andrew

Join us as we celebrate the season of Christmas through a series of scripture readings, beloved carols, devotional reflections, Holy Communion, and beautiful choral music sung by a chamber choir.

Catch the Vision

As we embrace St. Andrew’s new vision for ministry—Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith—we hope that more and more people will Catch the Vision for life in Christ and our hope for today and tomorrow. You are an essential part of this movement.

Rooted & Grounded (In Love)

Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem

Earlier this summer, Pastor Peter brought our staff together to develop a new vision statement for St. Andrew: “Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith.” Now, even as we lean into this vision statement, we can also recognize and celebrate the fact that our church has been about the business of nurturing the future of faith for a long time. As part of sharing this story, we’re going to hear from two people who have become unofficial “artists…

Upcoming Events

Cheer Me On!

Age Range: Children of all Ages Description: Sign up to have Ms. Shawna or Ms. Arlene come cheer you on at an upcoming game, concert, recital, or other special event! Fill out the form on our website, and maybe we will see you at an event this fall! So many of our kids are doing amazing things, and we want to cheer you on! Contact: Shawna Berg

Messiah Christmas Baskets

Packing bags: Monday–Friday (December 16-20)Delivery: Saturday morning, December 21 Collate and distribute food bags containing Christmas meal ingredients through Community Bridge and Messiah Lutheran Church at the Center for Changing Lives located at 2400 Park Avenue in Minneapolis. All ages—families welcomed and encouraged. Contact Kathy Olson at

Sat. AM Men’s Bible Study

Age Range: Adult men 40+ Days/Times: 9:00–11:00 AM each Saturday, new members welcome Description: The Saturday mornings men’s group is a lighthearted bunch from several churches in the Southwest Metro that enjoys Christian fellowship and learning. We have a particular liking to Andy Stanley and other contemporary Christian preachers. We use videos and Bible studies as conversation starters on living a Christian man’s life in today’s world. Join us anytime, you don’t need to wait until we start a new…

St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club 

Age Range: Open to everyone: men, women, and children  Days/Times: 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9:00 AM. Meet in the St. Andrew Fellowship Hall unless announced otherwise.  Description: St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club is meant to merge together interest in refurbished old cars and the faith we share. Join classic car enthusiast David Lerseth (a retired ELCA pastor) for monthly gatherings at St. Andrew to share about your car, the old dream car, the car you wish you…

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”

Ephesians 2:8

Location Details

13600 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344