Worship Services from November 2022
Advent Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Coming Peace”
Text: Isaiah 2:1-5 We focus on the vision for peace that God has for us when the Prince of Peace comes. The prophet Isaiah paints a picture for us of the coming peace when “nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” In our weary world that has seen too much of the devastation of war, our hearts cry out: “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Advent Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Coming Peace”
Text: Isaiah 2:1-5 We focus on the vision for peace that God has for us when the Prince of Peace comes. The prophet Isaiah paints a picture for us of the coming peace when “nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.” In our weary world that has seen too much of the devastation of war, our hearts cry out: “Come, Lord Jesus!”
Thanksgiving Eve Worship “Real Thanks”
Our service will continue our tradition of an intergenerational choir as well as special music from soloists Josh Eidem and Tim Graf. Don’t miss this opportunity to come and be reminded that Thanksgiving is not only a holiday but it is a verb as well; we will offer our gratitude to God for all the blessings in our lives.

Worship (10:30 Contemporary) “Being Church Together – Part 2”
Text: Romans 15:4-6 How is God at work in us and in our church? What is the work of our church and why does it matter? We focus in on the role that we are called to play as God is joining us together to become a holy temple in the Lord “so that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Being Church Together – Part 2”
Text: Romans 15:4-6 How is God at work in us and in our church? What is the work of our church and why does it matter? We focus in on the role that we are called to play as God is joining us together to become a holy temple in the Lord “so that together we may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Being Church Together – Part 1”
Text: Psalm 133 In a time where we see an almost unprecedented amount of divisiveness in our nation and our world, it’s important to focus on how we do things differently in the church. God has given us a vision and blueprint for how we can experience the richness of doing life and doing ministry together. Join us as we reflect on the blessings of God and how the church can make a lasting impact on our community when we…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Being Church Together – Part 1”
Text: Psalm 133 In a time where we see an almost unprecedented amount of divisiveness in our nation and our world, it’s important to focus on how we do things differently in the church. God has given us a vision and blueprint for how we can experience the richness of doing life and doing ministry together. Join us as we reflect on the blessings of God and how the church can make a lasting impact on our community when we…
All Saints’ Sunday (10:30 Contemporary) “For All the Saints”
We hold in memory and prayer our loved ones who have gone before us. Spend time in the presence of friends and family who share your grief and with memories of loved ones. Experience healing surrounded by beautiful music and in prayers of remembrance.
All Saints’ Sunday (9:00 AM Traditional) “For All the Saints”
We hold in memory and prayer our loved ones who have gone before us. Spend time in the presence of friends and family who share your grief and with memories of loved ones. Experience healing surrounded by beautiful music and in prayers of remembrance.