Worship Archive (Page 31)

Thank you for visiting St. Andrew Lutheran Church’s Worship Archive. Below you can find the latest worship videos, sermon audio, and bulletins. You can use the yellow tabs above to sort by series, books of the Bible, preaching pastor, and date.

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Community (9:00 AM)

What’s the Point: Community Text: Acts 2:42-47 In a time when so many people are experiencing such profound divisions, loneliness, and isolation, God’s gift of community is needed more than ever.  The story of the early church paints a compelling picture of what “doing life” together can look like and reinforces the need for a deeper experience of community that is so elusive today as social media gives a false sense of community in many ways.

Generosity (10:30 AM)

What’s the Point: Generosity Text: 1 John 3:16-18 It’s easy to focus on ourselves and our own needs but God calls us to respond to the needs of the world around us. How is God calling us to live with a generosity that not only transforms the world around us but transforms us as well?

Generosity (9:00 AM)

What’s the Point: Generosity Text: 1 John 3:16-18 It’s easy to focus on ourselves and our own needs but God calls us to respond to the needs of the world around us. How is God calling us to live with a generosity that not only transforms the world around us but transforms us as well?


What’s the Point: Forgiveness Text: John 21:15-17 Forgiveness is hard. But Christians have the best role model imaginable in the person of Jesus.  What’s the point of forgiveness if it doesn’t happen authentically enough for relationships to grow and thrive from that point forward? Peter learns that forgiveness from Jesus comes with a bonus: a reinstated measure of trust that helps to heal the relationship. What does this mean for us as people who need to both give and receive forgiveness?

Forgiveness (9:00 AM)

What’s the Point: Forgiveness Text: John 21:15-17 Forgiveness is hard. But Christians have the best role model imaginable in the person of Jesus.  What’s the point of forgiveness if it doesn’t happen authentically enough for relationships to grow and thrive from that point forward? Peter learns that forgiveness from Jesus comes with a bonus: a reinstated measure of trust that helps to heal the relationship. What does this mean for us as people who need to both give and receive forgiveness?

Vocation (10:30 AM)

What’s the Point: Vocation Text: Ephesians 4:1-3 Being a difference maker on this earth starts with the acknowledgement that God has called and gifted us all uniquely to play an important role in the kingdom of God.  What does it mean for us to live a life worthy of the calling that we have received from God?

Vocation (9:00 AM)

What’s the Point: Vocation Text: Ephesians 4:1-3 Being a difference maker on this earth starts with the acknowledgement that God has called and gifted us all uniquely to play an important role in the kingdom of God.  What does it mean for us to live a life worthy of the calling that we have received from God?

The Holy Bible (10:30 AM)

What’s the Point: The Holy Bible Text: Hebrews 4:12-13 The Bible is used in many different ways. In some countries it has been banned, in some places it has been weaponized or politicized, but there is one thing that it cannot be: ignored. For those who dismiss it as outdated and outmoded, the author of Hebrews reminds us that “the word of God is living and active… sharper than any two-edged sword.” How does the Bible continue to speak to…

The Holy Bible (9:00 AM)

What’s the Point: The Holy Bible Text: Hebrews 4:12-13 The Bible is used in many different ways. In some countries it has been banned, in some places it has been weaponized or politicized, but there is one thing that it cannot be: ignored. For those who dismiss it as outdated and outmoded, the author of Hebrews reminds us that “the word of God is living and active… sharper than any two-edged sword.” How does the Bible continue to speak to…