Upcoming Events

Welcome, below you can find a listing of upcoming events and ministries at St. Andrew. You can use the yellow button above to filter by category or change views. Some ongoing ministries or service opportunities may be listed on their ministries pages.

Cheer Me On!

Age Range: Children of all Ages Description: Sign up to have Ms. Shawna or Ms. Arlene come cheer you on at an upcoming game, concert, recital, or other special event! Fill out the form on our website, and maybe we will see you at an event this fall! So many of our kids are doing amazing things, and we want to cheer you on! Contact: Shawna Berg

Messiah Christmas Baskets

Packing bags: Monday–Friday (December 16-20)Delivery: Saturday morning, December 21 Collate and distribute food bags containing Christmas meal ingredients through Community Bridge and Messiah Lutheran Church at the Center for Changing Lives located at 2400 Park Avenue in Minneapolis. All ages—families welcomed and encouraged. Contact Kathy Olson at kathyolson39@hotmail.com.

Sat. AM Men’s Bible Study

Age Range: Adult men 40+ Days/Times: 9:00–11:00 AM each Saturday, new members welcome Description: The Saturday mornings men’s group is a lighthearted bunch from several churches in the Southwest Metro that enjoys Christian fellowship and learning. We have a particular liking to Andy Stanley and other contemporary Christian preachers. We use videos and Bible studies as conversation starters on living a Christian man’s life in today’s world. Join us anytime, you don’t need to wait until we start a new…

St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club 

Age Range: Open to everyone: men, women, and children  Days/Times: 3rd Saturdays of the month at 9:00 AM. Meet in the St. Andrew Fellowship Hall unless announced otherwise.  Description: St. Andrew’s Chariot of Fire Car Club is meant to merge together interest in refurbished old cars and the faith we share. Join classic car enthusiast David Lerseth (a retired ELCA pastor) for monthly gatherings at St. Andrew to share about your car, the old dream car, the car you wish you…


Age Range: 10 years old–adult  Time/Date: Saturdays from 9:00–10:30 (beginners) & 10:30 AM–12:00 PM (advanced beginners-intermediate). October–May  Description: Come join the fun! Like tennis, learn to play this growing-in-popularity sport. Curt, Tom, and Bob have years of experience in the sport. In this introductory session (or those with basic experience and want to tune your game), you will be taught the basics and get some hands-on practice. We have set up two pickleball courts in the gym at St. Andrew.  What do you…


Worship Times & Format Sunday 9:00 AM | Traditional  Familiar hymns and liturgy bring a sense of tradition at this service. Our 9:00 AM service music uses a spirited approach with a wide variety of hymns, liturgical music, and anthems that often draw from many musical styles: classical, spirituals, gospel, jazz, and both historic and contemporary hymnody.   At the 9:00 AM service, communion is celebrated on the first and third Sunday of the month. Sunday 10:30 AM | Contemporary We are…

Sunday School

Age Range: 3 years old–5th Grade Days/Times: Sunday mornings 9:00 and 10:30 AM, September–May Description: During Sunday School, our kids will learn more about the Bible and will learn to live out their faith in their daily life as they build relationships God, each other, and other caring adults. At 9:00 AM we will offer a traditional model, with large and small group time and at 10:30 AM our kids will begin in worship with families, and then will be…

Bible Study and Board Games 

Days/Times: Sundays 7:00–8:30 PM, starting September 22  Description: Learn about different stories and parables of the Bible with other young adults. We also enjoy fellowship and play board games together to combat the anxiety of a new work week. Contact: Caleb Wragge

Decorating with Poinsettias

The Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall will be decorated again with poinsettias, but we need your help to make this spectacular presentation go smoothly! Come join the Worship & Arts team on Monday, December 23, from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. to beautify the sanctuary by placing these Christmas flowers.  Please contact Kari Shellenbarger at kshellenbarger@standrewlu.org with questions.

River Valley Alcoholics Anonymous Group

Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have a drinking problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial and apolitical. There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drinking problem. Welcome to all who are in need. Contact: Pastor Peter Johnson

Traditional Christmas

Along with favorite carols and inspired preaching, this family-friendly service features special music by our combined children’s choirs and St. Andrew’s adult handbell choir, Bells of Joy. 

Wiggle & Worship Christmas Eve

Age Range: All children Days/Time: December 24, 10:30 AM Description: Join us on Christmas Eve for a service designed especially for young children and families. This service is intentionally crafted for young children who may “wiggle” and move. It is interactive yet still shares the important message of Jesus’ birth! Contact: Shawna Berg