Blog (Page 4)

June 30, 2024 — 10:30 AM Service

WELCOME/CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING WORSHIP SONGS“Remember”“Lord, I Need You” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE READINGDeuteronomy 6:4-9 Hear, O Israel: The Lord is our God, the Lord alone. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your might. Keep these words that I am commanding you today in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise. Bind them…

June 30, 2024 — 9:00 AM Service

PRELUDE“Trio Sonata No. 1 in E-flat Major” (J. S. Bach)Gary Denbow,  Tim Graf                          CALL TO WORSHIP“I Like To“ (Yancy)VBS Kids WELCOME CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSGathered into one by God’s Spirit, we are bold to confess our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, right here in the open, in the presence of God and of one another. (silence for reflection) God of grace,We confess that we have failed you, failed ourselves, failed one another. We assume the worst about those around us, rather…

June 23, 2024 — 10:30 AM Service

WELCOME/CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING WORSHIP SONGS“Give Us Your Heart”“Unveil” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE THE LORD’S PRAYER SERVICE OF HOLY BAPTISM CHILDREN’S MESSAGE READINGExodus 1:15-22 The king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiphrah and the other Puah, “When you act as midwives to the Hebrew women, and see them on the birthstool, if it is a boy, kill him; but if it is a girl, she shall live.” But the midwives feared God; they did not…

June 23, 2024 — 9:00 AM Service

PRELUDE “The Peace (from Royal Fireworks Music)” (G. F. Handel)   Barb Carroll,  Tim Graf                           WELCOME CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSGathered into one by God’s Spirit, we are bold to confess our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, right here in the open, in the presence of God and of one another.  (silence for reflection)  God of grace, We confess that we have failed you, failed ourselves, failed one another. We assume…

June 16, 2024 — 10:30 AM Service

WELCOME/CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING WORSHIP SONG“House of the Lord” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION THE LORD’S PRAYER COMMUNION SONG“Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)”   CHILDREN’S MESSAGE READINGGenesis 50:15-21 Realizing that their father was dead, Joseph’s brothers said, “What if Joseph still bears a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong that we did to him?” So they approached Joseph, saying, “Your father gave this instruction before he died, ‘Say to…

June 16, 2024 — 9:00 AM Service

PRELUDE “Prelude“ (Reinhold Gliere)Barb Carroll WELCOME CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSGathered into one by God’s Spirit, we are bold to confess our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, right here in the open, in the presence of God and of one another. (silence for reflection) God of grace,We confess that we have failed you, failed ourselves, failed one another. We assume the worst about those around us, rather than giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. We do the same to ourselves, and sometimes,…

The Gift of Camp

This is the third summer I will spend as the director at Spirit in the Pines Camp. I know by now that the days and weeks are long, but honestly I could not be more excited and hopeful for what is to come. Ironically, my parents never sent me to camp. But like many people, I still had a very formative experience with outdoor ministries; mine came as an entering freshman at Wheaton College on a two week student hiking…

Splashing Back Into Summer At Spirit in the Pines

This June will be the first time I will be back working at Spirit in the Pines as part of the program staff since I was in college (2016). Before I was on staff, I was a counselor, and I was a camper. I believe with all my heart that Spirit in the Pines has the chance to change lives and help kids connect with God, themselves, and their friends. Spirit in the Pines has helped me become who I…

June 9, 2024 — 10:30 AM Service

WELCOME/CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING WORSHIP SONGS“Oh, Our Lord”“Unveil” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE CHILDREN’S MESSAGE READINGGenesis 32: 24-28 Jacob was left alone; and a man wrestled with him until daybreak. When the man saw that he did not prevail against Jacob, he struck him on the hip socket; and Jacob’s hip was put out of joint as he wrestled with him. Then he said, “Let me go, for the day is breaking.” But Jacob said, “I will not let you go, unless you…

June 9, 2024 — 9:00 AM Service

PRELUDE“Wie schön leuchtet” (setting, Anne Krentz Organ)Tim Graf WELCOME CONFESSION AND FORGIVENESSGathered into one by God’s Spirit, we are bold to confess our sins, our shortcomings, our failures, right here in the open, in the presence of God and of one another. God of grace,We confess that we have failed you, failed ourselves, failed one another. We assume the worst about those around us, rather than giving anyone the benefit of the doubt. We do the same to ourselves, and…

Faith, Family, and the Joys of Summer

Hanging on the wall in my living room are three portraits—a picture from my wedding day and a picture of each of my kids in their baptismal outfits. I had each of my children’s baptismal outfits made from my wedding gown, so we hung those pictures together on our wall. I often look at the picture of that young couple, and those tiny babies, and reflect on the promises that were made, on those very important days. I remember promising…

June 2, 2024 — 10:30 AM Service

WELCOME/CALL TO WORSHIP OPENING WORSHIP SONG“You Awake My Love” PRAYERS OF GOD’S PEOPLE SACRAMENT HOLY COMMUNION WORDS OF INSTITUTION THE LORD’S PRAYER COMMUNION SONG“Gratitude”Alan Bach, Tim Graf, Worship Band POST-COMMUNION PRAYER CHILDREN’S MESSAGE READINGGenesis 19:15-17, 24-26 When morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Get up, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or else you will be consumed in the punishment of the city.” But he lingered; so the men seized him and his wife and his…