St. Andrew Lutheran Church publishes an almost-quarterly newsletter, Son Times. Each issue is filled with articles written about the different ministry areas St. Andrew has to offer. Look for features like stories from past events, interviews of key ministry members, highlights of upcoming sermon series, and many others.
‘Love That Lit The Stars’ — Children’s Christmas Program
Dragons in a Christmas story? Who ever heard of such a thing!? St. Andrew’s annual Children’s Christmas program took place during the 9:00 AM worship service, bringing with it the Christmas spirit for the 2024 holiday season.
Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem
Earlier this summer, Pastor Peter brought our staff together to develop a new vision statement for St. Andrew: “Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith.” Now, even as we lean into this vision statement, we can also recognize and celebrate the fact that our church has been about the business of nurturing the…
Nurturing the Future of Faith: A Message From a CYF Volunteer
I have been blessed to serve in children and youth (CYF) ministry in many wonderful capacities: Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation small group leader, mission trip mom, and Los Ninos. Each opportunity has spiritually enriched me through the people who lead our programs and the relationships that have developed with our youth of all ages. My…
Interview – Pastor Matthew on Publication Day
It’s publication day for Pastor Matthew’s new book, The End is the Beginning. He and Sam Jacobson sit down for a conversation on Revelation and creativity.
Rooted & Grounded (In Love)
We live in times that are too frequently described as unprecedented. It can feel disorienting, shifting, strange, uncertain, and daunting. And yet our faith tradition calls us to grow deeper, where our roots are intertwined with God’s love and the communion of saints that stretches all over the globe. Like a forest where roots entangle and support and branches…
Nurturing the Future of Faith
Dear Members and Friends of St. Andrew, What an honor and privilege it is for me to be voted into the role of Senior Pastor at St. Andrew Lutheran Church on Sunday, August 25. I am grateful for the robust and affirming process of the Call Committee these past several months of conversation. I am…