Change Your Life

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Saying No Will Change Your Life”
Luke 4:1-13 Perhaps our lives, every once in a while, would benefit from an audit. How do we spend our time? Are we efficient? Are we doing what we have been called to do? How much of what we do is an old habit or the result of feeling like we’re stuck? The point this week will be: thinking about the things that we do or focus on that doesn’t bring joy and goodness into our lives. And also, when…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Saying No Will Change Your Life”
Luke 4:1-13 Perhaps our lives, every once in a while, would benefit from an audit. How do we spend our time? Are we efficient? Are we doing what we have been called to do? How much of what we do is an old habit or the result of feeling like we’re stuck? The point this week will be: thinking about the things that we do or focus on that doesn’t bring joy and goodness into our lives. And also, when…

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Serving Others Will Change Your Life”
When pressed to winnow down all the laws into only one Jesus said, “Got it. Love God. Love people.” The point – the people who love and serve God and – as a result – people who feel called and inspired to go love and serve other people in the name of Jesus. Just imagine a world where people are more concerned about someone other than him or herself. That in the world that God wants and envisions.

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Serving Others Will Change Your Life”
When pressed to winnow down all the laws into only one Jesus said, “Got it. Love God. Love people.” The point – the people who love and serve God and – as a result – people who feel called and inspired to go love and serve other people in the name of Jesus. Just imagine a world where people are more concerned about someone other than him or herself. That in the world that God wants and envisions.

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Saying Yes Will Change Your Life”
2 Corinthians 1:18-22 This is the topic so I can show a clip of the Jim Carrey movie: “Yes, Man.” Many times when people ask us to do something, even before they go for the ask, we are thinking of how we can say no. After all, we are all so busy as it is. There is simply no more time for doing one more thing. That is, unless the ask is about something that we love doing. The point…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Saying Yes Will Change Your Life”
2 Corinthians 1:18-22 This is the topic so I can show a clip of the Jim Carrey movie: “Yes, Man.” Many times when people ask us to do something, even before they go for the ask, we are thinking of how we can say no. After all, we are all so busy as it is. There is simply no more time for doing one more thing. That is, unless the ask is about something that we love doing. The point…

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Prayer Will Change Your Life”
Jesus – the only perfect person the world has ever known – would often just off by himself and pray. Here he was – God in the flesh and he felt the need to go and ask for help. Simply put, if he needed help – we’re gonna need a whole lot of help – like – all day – every day!

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Prayer Will Change Your Life”
Jesus – the only perfect person the world has ever known – would often just off by himself and pray. Here he was – God in the flesh and he felt the need to go and ask for help. Simply put, if he needed help – we’re gonna need a whole lot of help – like – all day – every day!

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Having an Open Heart Will Change Your Life
By a certain age, many of us have formed quite strong thoughts, feelings, and opinions about most things and a lot of people. In all candor, it is best for us to, each and every day, enter the world with an open heart – giving all people a chance to surprise and impress us. Many times our preconceived notions about things and/or people adversely affect our live with others and the world at large.

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Having an Open Heart Will Change Your Life”
By a certain age, many of us have formed quite strong thoughts, feelings, and opinions about most things and a lot of people. In all candor, it is best for us to, each and every day, enter the world with an open heart – giving all people a chance to surprise and impress us. Many times our preconceived notions about things and/or people adversely affect our live with others and the world at large.

Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Reading the Bible Will Change Your Life”
Psalm 78: 1-4 A book just sitting on a shelf will not enter our hearts, minds, and souls. God’s holy word in the Bible is meant to be read, studied, questioned, analyzed, and then, live out in daily life. The fact of the matter is, the Bible is complex and sometimes just plain hard to understand. That should not make us afraid to crack it open and see what the Holy Spirit does with the Word of God.

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Reading the Bible Will Change Your Life”
Psalm 78: 1-4 A book just sitting on a shelf will not enter our hearts, minds, and souls. God’s holy word in the Bible is meant to be read, studied, questioned, analyzed, and then, live out in daily life. The fact of the matter is, the Bible is complex and sometimes just plain hard to understand. That should not make us afraid to crack it open and see what the Holy Spirit does with the Word of God.