Worship Services by Pastor Peter Johnson (Page 7)
Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Stay Calm”
Text: Matthew 8:23-27 A storm can approach without warning just like it did when Jesus was out on a boat with his disciples. But Jesus is in the business of calming the storms that threaten us just as he did that day. We can stay calm because Jesus is with us. “Be still and know that I am God.”
Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Stay Calm”
Text: Matthew 8:23-27 A storm can approach without warning just like it did when Jesus was out on a boat with his disciples. But Jesus is in the business of calming the storms that threaten us just as he did that day. We can stay calm because Jesus is with us. “Be still and know that I am God.”
Worship (10:30 AM Contemporary) “Go”
Text: John 20:19-22 (Key verse- John 20:21) “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” We are fed by God’s Word when we gather together in his name but it’s also important to know that when we leave this place, the risen Lord goes with us and before us. To protect, guide, fortify, and sustain us. We are motivated by God’s love to take that love out into the world that needs to hear the Good News!
Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Go”
Text: John 20:19-22 (Key verse- John 20:21) “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.” We are fed by God’s Word when we gather together in his name but it’s also important to know that when we leave this place, the risen Lord goes with us and before us. To protect, guide, fortify, and sustain us. We are motivated by God’s love to take that love out into the world that needs to hear the Good News!
Promises, Promises, Promises (10:30 AM Blended) “I Will Set You Free”
Text: John 8:31-36 We are prone to respond like Jesus’ disciples to the teaching that we are slaves to sin: “we have never been slaves of anyone.” And yet, we most assuredly do sin and are in need of a Savior who has delivered on his promise to set us free from the power of sin in our lives. What will we do with this freedom from sin that Jesus has given to us?
Promises, Promises, Promises (9:00 AM Traditional) “I Will Set You Free”
Text: John 8:31-36 We are prone to respond like Jesus’ disciples to the teaching that we are slaves to sin: “we have never been slaves of anyone.” And yet, we most assuredly do sin and are in need of a Savior who has delivered on his promise to set us free from the power of sin in our lives. What will we do with this freedom from sin that Jesus has given to us?
Promises, Promises, Promises (10:30 AM Blended) “I Will Give You Rest”
Text: Matthew 11:28-30 One of the most compelling, invitational, and comforting promises in all of scripture is this promise given to us by Jesus in Matthew 11: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” How can we learn to let go of our burdens that we foolishly hang onto and entrust them to the One whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light?
Promises, Promises, Promises (9:00 AM Traditional) “I Will Give You Rest”
Text: Matthew 11:28-30 One of the most compelling, invitational, and comforting promises in all of scripture is this promise given to us by Jesus in Matthew 11: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” How can we learn to let go of our burdens that we foolishly hang onto and entrust them to the One whose yoke is easy and whose burden is light?
Promises, Promises, Promises (10:30 AM Blended) “I Will Strengthen the Weary”
Text: Isaiah 40:28-31 God does not grow tired or weary… but we do. God cares for his people through his promise to renew our strength: through the wisdom of God’s Word, through the holy sacraments, through the fellowship of believers, through the presence of the Holy Spirit who accompanies us on our journey. How do you need to be strengthened today?
Promises, Promises, Promises (9:00 AM Traditional) “I Will Strengthen the Weary”
Text: Isaiah 40:28-31 God does not grow tired or weary… but we do. God cares for his people through his promise to renew our strength: through the wisdom of God’s Word, through the holy sacraments, through the fellowship of believers, through the presence of the Holy Spirit who accompanies us on our journey. How do you need to be strengthened today?
Great Big Little Words (10:30 Blended) “Share”
Text: Romans 12:1-2 There is always more than enough to share. But God is calling us to give of ourselves in ways that may take us out of our comfortable lives and into the lives of others. What does it mean to offer ourselves as “living sacrifices”? As we say in our offering prayer: “our selves, our time, and our possessions.”
Great Big Little Words (9:00 AM Traditional) “Share”
Text: Romans 12:1-2 There is always more than enough to share. But God is calling us to give of ourselves in ways that may take us out of our comfortable lives and into the lives of others. What does it mean to offer ourselves as “living sacrifices”? As we say in our offering prayer: “our selves, our time, and our possessions.”