Worship Services by Pastor Matthew Fleming (Page 6)

Advent Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “What’s in a Name?”

Text: Isaiah 7:10-14 How often do we say, “Lord, just give us a sign…”? And God says, I have just the sign for you that you need more than anything: Immanuel, God with us. As Christmas approaches, we hear of God’s greatest gift to humanity and we respond to this gift with our devotion, our obedience to God’s will, and our hearts filled with praise.

Worship (10:30 Contemporary) “Rely”

Text: Jonah 2:1-10 We often see the best in humanity (and perhaps also the worst) when storms challenge a community – first responders and humanitarians right alongside price gougers and swindlers. Human beings, it turns out, are not the most reliable creatures. In the Bible, Jonah doesn’t trust God’s advice and fails to follow it, but ultimately he relies on God’s goodness because God is good all the time. While wind and rain and the storms of life will toss…

Worship (9:00 AM Traditional) “Rely”

Text: Jonah 2:1-10 We often see the best in humanity (and perhaps also the worst) when storms challenge a community – first responders and humanitarians right alongside price gougers and swindlers. Human beings, it turns out, are not the most reliable creatures. In the Bible, Jonah doesn’t trust God’s advice and fails to follow it, but ultimately he relies on God’s goodness because God is good all the time. While wind and rain and the storms of life will toss…

Great Big Little Words (10:30 AM Blended) “Renewal”

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 16 Our scripture speaks into the heart of the difficulties we face in modern life: “we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair… yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” We will explore what it means to be “renewed day by day” even in the midst of dark times and difficulties.

Great Big Little Words (9:00 AM Traditional) “Renewal”

Text: 2 Corinthians 4:7-9, 16 Our scripture speaks into the heart of the difficulties we face in modern life: “we are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair… yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.” We will explore what it means to be “renewed day by day” even in the midst of dark times and difficulties.

The Other Side (10:30 AM Blended) “Livin’ on a Prayer”

Text: John 17:20-26 We have seen in recent years the turmoil that can be caused by deep divisions in our nation and in our world. On “the other side” of this division is the unity that God brings us to through the power of his resurrection and through the Holy Spirit. Even as Christ prays for the unity of all of his people, so we are called to pray and to work for unity in the world.

The Other Side (9:00 AM Traditional) “Livin’ on a Prayer”

Text: John 17:20-26 We have seen in recent years the turmoil that can be caused by deep divisions in our nation and in our world. On “the other side” of this division is the unity that God brings us to through the power of his resurrection and through the Holy Spirit. Even as Christ prays for the unity of all of his people, so we are called to pray and to work for unity in the world.

“The Other Side” (Blended)

The risen Christ comes to us give us assurance that he has the power to forgive and to change things for the better. When the disciples’ attempts to bring in their daily catch of fish are failing, Jesus comes with the power of God’s blessing and they are told to cast their nets on “the other side” of the boat. The catch of 153 fish signifies that God’s love is for all of humanity as the number 153 represented the…

“The Other Side” (Traditional)

The risen Christ comes to us give us assurance that he has the power to forgive and to change things for the better. When the disciples’ attempts to bring in their daily catch of fish are failing, Jesus comes with the power of God’s blessing and they are told to cast their nets on “the other side” of the boat. The catch of 153 fish signifies that God’s love is for all of humanity as the number 153 represented the…

Good Friday Worship (7:00 PM) “The Seven Last Words”

“The Seven Last Words”—where the story is primarily told through music as the Canticle Choir and a professional orchestra perform the soul-stirring music of Michael John Trotta. Our pastors provide context through devotional reflections and we experience the holding of the cross as a worshipping community together. Bring a friend and join us for this powerful service of music and reflection.

“Uncertainty” (10:30 Blended)

Text: John 11:17-27 What are the things that “rattle” us the most in our lives? In our series so far, we have examined fear, doubt and over-commitment. This Sunday, we look at uncertainty and we find ourselves being able to relate with Mary and Martha who are distraught over the death of their brother Lazarus: “Lord, if you have had been here…” How does Jesus respond to them and to us in our times of uncertainty? How is God bringing…