Worship Services on Psalm (Page 3)
Lent | Worship “God Pursues Us with Grace”
Text: Psalm 23:6a God provides blessing upon blessing, grace upon grace. And Jesus made it clear that we do not choose God but, rather, God chooses us. So how then is God pursuing us with grace and love and what difference does this make in our daily lives?
Lent | Worship “God gives us a place of honor”
Text: Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. God provides a place for us and it is a place of honor. What does the ancient world’s culture of honor and shame have to do with our life as 21st century Christians and who’s invited to that table that God prepares anyway?
Lent | Worship “God is With Us”
Text: Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff— they comfort me. God provides a ministry of presence that sees us through life’s most dark and challenging times. What does the cross of Christ teach us about God’s promise to show up in suffering?
Lent | Worship “God leads us”
Text: Psalm 23:3 God provides leadership for us that is trustworthy and true. So how then can we learn to let go of our need to set our own course and trust in God’s unfailing leadership? What does it mean to follow right paths for his name’s sake?
In One Sermon | The Old Testament (10:30 Blended)
Text: Psalm 78:1-4 From the story of creation to the story of Moses and the Israelites, the Old Testament is filled with the wondrous stories that shape us as people of faith from early childhood on. Come and get a bird’s eye view of the Old Testament and discover how God’s grace is not limited to the Gospel stories of the New Testament!
In One Sermon | The Old Testament (9:00 AM Traditional)
Text: Psalm 78:1-4 From the story of creation to the story of Moses and the Israelites, the Old Testament is filled with the wondrous stories that shape us as people of faith from early childhood on. Come and get a bird’s eye view of the Old Testament and discover how God’s grace is not limited to the Gospel stories of the New Testament!
Start Right Here | Part 2 (10:30 Blended)
Text: Psalm 150 As our Rally Days continue, we celebrate St. Andrew’s music ministry and, specifically, we give thanks and praise to God for Jan Maudlin’s many years of music ministry with the Canticle Choir. We praise God for his marvelous gift of music, of which Martin Luther said, “next after theology, I give to music the highest place and the greatest honor.”
Start Right Here | Part 2 (9:00 AM Traditional)
Text: Psalm 150 As our Rally Days continue, we celebrate St. Andrew’s music ministry and, specifically, we give thanks and praise to God for Jan Maudlin’s many years of music ministry with the Canticle Choir. We praise God for his marvelous gift of music, of which Martin Luther said, “next after theology, I give to music the highest place and the greatest honor.”