Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem

Rooted and Nurtured: Spotlight on Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem

Earlier this summer, Pastor Peter brought our staff together to develop a new vision statement for St. Andrew: “Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith.” Now, even as we lean into this vision statement, we can also recognize and celebrate the fact that our church has been about the business of nurturing the future of faith for a long time.

As part of sharing this story, we’re going to hear from two people who have become unofficial “artists in residence,” as they have been sharing their musical gifts with us for so many years here. I’m talking about Elliana Meier and Josh Eidem. Both of them grew up at St. Andrew and both have had formative experiences here that helped to shape them not only as musicians but as people of faith.

Elliana Meier playing piano as a child

Elliana Meier (EM): Some of the best memories I have of growing up at St. Andrew have definitely been through my time at Spirit in the Pines and in the youth ministry at St. Andrew. Spirit in the Pines has had one of the biggest impacts on my faith and how I came to be the person I am. It is such a place where you feel so close to God and everyone around you, and it helped me build a village of people that I can rely on and whose presence helps strengthen my faith. I also think back to my time in Wednesday Night Youth Group and the friends I made throughout middle and high school and how those youth groups helped me mature and grow into my faith and relationship to God 7 and talk about it with other people my age. I met many life-long friends and have many amazing memories from camp, mission trips, VBS, and WNYG!

Josh Eidem (JE): As long as I can remember, St. Andrew has been a place of learning and growing. I was three when I started in the choir here, sang in the Holidazzle Parade in elementary school, and was in every single choir up to Live Wire and Canticle by the time I was eighteen. I took voice lessons with Pat and the late Bob Peterson every week in the choir room as a teen. I even sang “O Holy Night” at Christmas with Pastor Rod several times. I was in my first musical as Winthrop Paroo in The Music Man and did the musicals every year; I was hooked. I would not have been a classically trained opera singer making my career in music if it weren’t for the opportunities provided by this place.

Josh Eidem (Center) serving as a youth volunteer

EM: Music, specifically at St. Andrew has been a huge nurturer of my faith. Music has always been a great outlet for me. I grew up singing in groups like Starlite Singers with Mrs. Deb Hetherington, Sonshine Singers and Spirit Singers with Kirsten Hanninen. Now, I’m part of the Worship Band with Tim Graf and many other talented musicians. It has been a constant in my journey of faith. I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to grow up at St. Andrew and to keep singing in the congregation I grew up in, which has been so special for me. It continues to nurture my faith week after week, every time I get to experience the music and the congregation in the presence of the Lord.

JE: St. Andrew was always a safe place to develop a personal connection with the spirit. In my youth there were times when I felt I was going through the motions, and I had a hard time seeing the value of faith. Somehow, I knew it still mattered to show up, and push myself to learn and grow. I’d ask myself, “why do I have to memorize this prayer, what does it even mean?” When my husband was in the hospital after a series of strokes this summer, he was half-blind and unable to move his right side or speak without mixing up his words. We sat and recited the Lord’s Prayer over and over until he could get through it. I felt the spirit working through his mind and voice to heal him, and today he has overcome, he walks, sees, and speaks. I saw the power of Christ’s healing in action.

Elliana Meier singing at a recent Sunday service

EM: One of the biggest impacts on my life has been through my experiences on mission trips through St. Andrew. I have been able to go on seven youth mission trips across the United States through Youth Works. I was recently a part of the mission trip to Belize with Seeds of Support at St. Andrew. Each and every mission trip has been unique and has left such an imprint on my heart that I will continue to carry each with me. These mission trips have allowed me to serve various communities around the world, learn from different cultures, and spread God’s love. These trips have been such blessings to my life that I know I will continue to seek more opportunities to be a servant leader throughout my life.

JE: St. Andrew equipped me as a servant leader by providing service opportunities like FMSC, Los Niños, and mission trips. I learned to care for children, elders, the poor, and the differently abled in Green Bay, New York, Rapid City, West Virginia, and Montana in urban and rural communities and on reservations. To this day, I feel a deep responsibility to help my neighbors in need. In my career I choose projects with a message to highlight issues from immigration to the AIDS pandemic. I help lead a ministry within St. Andrew, the Queer Faith Alliance, which seeks to educate and empower connection between the church and those of us who have felt left out of God’s loving message.

Josh Eidem singing at a recent Sunday service

EM: What brings me the most joy as an artist at St. Andrew is the many talented musicians that I’m fortunate enough to work with every week, as well as seeing the smiling faces of the congregation as we worship in song with one another. It’s such an honor to witness every person in the congregation with their individual experience of the music, but all worshipping together. It is very a very wholesome and unifying experience.

JE: Since high school, I have sung in more churches than I can count, but this place is special. I get so much energy from the congregation when I am singing, using my voice to create a spiritual space for others to reflect on God’s abiding presence and love. I also cherish the many bonds, new and old, this place has fostered outside of worship. I am a better person because I come to St. Andrew.

I have been in music ministry for many years and have worked with many great musicians, but I count it as one of the greatest blessings of my career to work with Elliana and Josh. They are both tremendously positive and affirming people and, I can tell you, they work so hard to bring their very best each time they sing in church. Thanks be to God for the gift of music and the gift of musicians who share the Gospel in such powerful ways!

See you in church,

Tim Graf
Director of Worship & Music