St. Andrew Lutheran Church Rising Strong
This Easter season, St Andrew Lutheran Church is rising strong in faith and purpose to bring a new hope, peace, and light to people of our world through our Rising Strong Outreach special giving appeal.
Rising Strong Outreach will support outreach ministries in our local community and the wider world so that all might experience a new hope and peace in their lives.
100% of donations will be given to outreach such as:
- Local outreach: PROP Foodshelf and PROP Shop supports people experiencing scaricity of food and personal needs.
- Global outreach: Support for our partners in beleaguered Haiti and Belize as well as Feed My Starving Children Mobile Pack event hosted at St Andrew this fall.
- Other outreach as identified and supported by the ongoing mission of the St Andrew Benevolence and Endowment committees.
Will you consider an extra gift this Easter to support this special outreach?