Son Times (Page 2)

St. Andrew Lutheran Church publishes an almost-quarterly newsletter, Son Times. Each issues is filled with articles written about the different ministry areas St. Andrew has to offer. Look for features like stories from past events, interviews of key ministry members, highlights of upcoming sermon series, and many others.

The Gift of Camp

This is the third summer I will spend as the director at Spirit in the Pines Camp. I know by now that the days and weeks are long, but honestly I could not be more excited and hopeful for what is to come. Ironically, my parents never sent me to camp. But like many people, I still had a very formative experience with outdoor ministries; mine came as an entering freshman at Wheaton College on a two week student hiking…

Splashing Back Into Summer At Spirit in the Pines

This June will be the first time I will be back working at Spirit in the Pines as part of the program staff since I was in college (2016). Before I was on staff, I was a counselor, and I was a camper. I believe with all my heart that Spirit in the Pines has the chance to change lives and help kids connect with God, themselves, and their friends. Spirit in the Pines has helped me become who I…

Faith, Family, and the Joys of Summer

Hanging on the wall in my living room are three portraits—a picture from my wedding day and a picture of each of my kids in their baptismal outfits. I had each of my children’s baptismal outfits made from my wedding gown, so we hung those pictures together on our wall. I often look at the picture of that young couple, and those tiny babies, and reflect on the promises that were made, on those very important days. I remember promising…

The Good Book: Meeting Our Ancestors in Faith, One Story at a Time

Sundays | 9:00 & 10:30 AM The Bible can be a barrier for a lot of people of faith. It’s large, intimidating, and can be confusing! Many people are wary of reading these texts, carry bruises from their upbringing, or simply don’t have enough information for the stories to make any sense. This summer, we invite you to spend time reclaiming the “good” in The Good Book—learning and relearning how ancient stories relate to our stories here and now. Based…

Altered and Altared

For in him we live and move and have our being… we are God’s offspring… Acts 17:28 How have we been altered? While most of us Lutherans don’t have a dramatic conversion story to share, it is still clear enough to me to God is always at work in us and through us. The beautiful thing is that we’re not always meant to know what kind of an impact we may make on others. Likewise, we’ll also never be able…

Altered: Unbelievable Stories of the Spirit on the loose

There is something powerful about a transformational story. Goodness wins out over everything else. We love these stories. These are the heartwarming movies we watch with our kids. They are feel-good. They remind us that the world is not such a difficult place after all. Testimonies are part of our faith experiences as well, where God does not stop making a difference for good for faithful people everywhere. Within the ministry of Jesus, we witness how God gets involved in…
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