Catch the Vision Stewardship Appeal
St. Andrew Lutheran Church is making an impact. You can feel it in relevant and inspiring worship. It is part of the authentic relationships we strive to create. You can see it in the generous ways that we engage our community and world. We are already living out our new vision statement—“Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith”.
But these words also describe the future we want to live together, too. We want you to Catch this Vision anew this fall as we close out 2024 and move into 2025 together with this new shared vision. How are we going to do this? We see three ways.
- We want to cultivate a beloved community where all people share a sense of belonging in a world that needs loving community and support.
- We want to meet people where they are, and fully trust that the Holy Spirit encourages faithful curiosity, bringing together community in more ways than we know or can ever imagine. This is how faith and hope grow.
- Finally, we are a leading congregation made up of leaders. We want everyone to know that just as Christ served us, we too are called to be servant leaders in the world. Your voice, your energy, your gifts make the goodness and love of Christ our Lord known in the world.
So, Catch the Vision!
- Step up in a new way this fall with a new commitment.
- Make a special financial gift to our church’s ministry before the end of the year.
- Make a financial pledge for next year so that we can plan together concretely the impact we want to make.
Thank you, St. Andrew, for the ongoing effort we share together of living out our faith in daily life.
Thank You Breakfasts
November 18, 21 at 7:30 or 9:00 AM
Thank you for your gifts that contribute to the impact of St. Andrew’s ministry on the world. You are invited to participate in a Thank You Breakfast to learn more from Senior Pastor Peter Johnson and others about St. Andrew’s impact on the world as we look ahead to 2025.
These fellowship breakfasts are held in the Fellowship Hall. They are 60 minutes long, but you can stay as long as you can. We will enjoy bagels, cream cheese, coffee (of course), orange juice, and water. Please signup to let us know when you will attend.