Nurturing the Future of Faith: A Message From a CYF Volunteer

Nurturing the Future of Faith: A Message From a CYF Volunteer

I have been blessed to serve in children and youth (CYF) ministry in many wonderful capacities: Sunday School, VBS, Confirmation small group leader, mission trip mom, and Los Ninos. Each opportunity has spiritually enriched me through the people who lead our programs and the relationships that have developed with our youth of all ages. My journey working with our St. Andrew youth (each a beautiful child of God) has filled my heart with such joy.

After my son started Sunday School, I said yes to serving in children’s ministry. I wanted to be involved in his faith journey, so it all started when I asked the mom teaching his Kindergarten class if I could observe because I was interested in teaching. She welcomed me into the classroom and I learned lesson plans are provided and I just needed to have fun learning with the kids. I ended up helping in that classroom for the rest of the year. The following year, I started team teaching and continued teaching my son’s classes through confirmation. Then, another mom encouraged me to go on a Mission Trip. Again, I said yes and was hooked for the next three years. I have enjoyed the faithful friends I have made while working with our youth.

My favorite part of working with the young people at St. Andrew is the fun energy and fresh perspective they bring to our discussions after reading the Bible stories. They have so much love to share, and it’s heartwarming to see them spread joy to others.

My memory book contains so many stories that remind me of just how close Jesus is to us through the work of the Holy Spirit. What I cherish most about these memories is seeing our youth recognize the feeling of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives.

What our children, youth, and family ministries do here at St. Andrew is important because our faith is our life and our eternity. Our ministries provide Bible teaching, many educational programs to develop and explore faith, and fun opportunities to learn about Jesus’s love. They also help us share and model His love in our world.

And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.” – Romans 8:28

I can say God has woven a rich tapestry through my life in working with our youth. It humbles me to see how the Holy Spirit has been with me, guided me every step of the way, and equipped me with everything I needed at the time I needed it. My hope is that we can continue to equip our youth with the Truth in a world where the Truth is becoming harder to find.

Lastly, I want to invite you to volunteer with our children, youth, and family ministries. Believe me, you will get more than you give. Pray about it! God will help you find a way and equip you with what you need. Just say YES and TRUST.