Living Out Our Faith In Daily Life

St. Andrew has in-person and online livestream worship on Sunday mornings. Join us at 9:00 or 10:30 AM.

Catch the Vision

As we embrace St. Andrew’s new vision for ministry—Rooted in Christ, we nurture the future of faith—we hope that more and more people will Catch the Vision for life in Christ and our hope for today and tomorrow. You are an essential part of this movement.

Stories of Faith

Not-so-familiar Stories from Scripture

This fascinating story in the Old Testament is one of my favorites. It takes place in the temple, where God’s presence resides, waiting for the people of Israel. Eli is the prophet who hears God’s voice and speaks to God’s people, but there is a young boy named Samuel who is ministering with him in the temple. But rather than a cozy opening, it begins with an ominous proclamation: “The word of the Lord was rare in those days; visions…

Latest Sermons

March 16, 2025 — 10:30 AM: ‘We love (everyone)’

Pastor Peter preached about love this Sunday. During his sermon, he invited us to share our stories with our neighbors and listen to theirs to better understand each other. There is so much more to people’s lives than we are aware of. Let’s work together to cultivate a beloved community — in Christ.

March 16, 2025 — 9:00 AM: ‘We love (everyone)’

Pastor Peter preached about love this Sunday. During his sermon, he invited us to share our stories with our neighbors and listen to theirs to better understand each other. There is so much more to people’s lives than we are aware of. Let’s work together to cultivate a beloved community — in Christ.

March 9, 2025 — 10:30 AM: ‘We Obey’

During this week’s service, Pastor Peter discussed Jesus’ perfection. He reminded us of God’s love and how the season of Lent offers us and our communities the opportunity to turn to Jesus in a more intimate way. This season helps us live out our faith in our daily lives, rooted and grounded in His love.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God”

Ephesians 2:8

Location Details

13600 Technology Drive Eden Prairie, MN 55344